Archive for June, 2012

So Much of C++ Coding is Making a New Language

Saturday, June 30th, 2012

Building Great Code

I'm working on my latest new project - a simple lisp-like language in C++ that is intended to be fast to execute and very memory efficient. In the past, I've built something like this, but it was more of an interpreter, and this time I'm heading for a more JIT-style system where I'm going to be creating in-memory data structures and then running them over and over as the values come in. This matches up more with what the use case is: data stream processing.

What I'm realizing that as I build the code in LKit, I'm really building a new language based on C++ and the objects and operators that I define in C++ for this problem domain. Think about it: C++ has only the basic data types of C, but it ships with the ability to deal with complex data - yeah, a + bi complex data.

You can create these as if they were simple data values, add, subtract, multiply them… even stream them out. For all intents and purposes, the shipping compiler really supports complex data types. But it's really all just built on top of what's there, and that's the real power of C++ to me - the ability to really augment the language to be able to add in data types and operations that make perfect sense in the domain, but aren't in the initial cut of the compiler.

I've create a value. This value can be a bool, an int, a double, or a time stamp. I can add these, compare them to one another, and to the data types they represent. They look, act, and process exactly like they were part of the language. That's really quite incredible. But it comes at a cost: you have to code it all up.

You have to code up the operations. You have to code up every little thing about how to handle these new data types, and if you don't, then it's not there. It's a lot of code to throw down, and I can see why a lot of people shy away from it, but it's got a lot of power, and there's reason to be careful with what you are doing.

But in defining this language, I really have a tremendous power. I get to define how all this works, and what it all does. I can make my resulting C++ code look incredibly simple and clean by making sure all the operators and functions are there to support what one would naturally want to do with these data types.

This makes the language almost domain-specific. And that's one of the things that makes coding in C++ so amazing to me. Great tools.

Twitter Issues Warning to Developers

Friday, June 29th, 2012


This evening I was reading a few tweets and this popped up. Not good news for me as I'm using Twitterrific on iOS and OS X. I have no desire to be forced to use the "certified" Twitter clients. They aren't as nice, and I'm really getting to like using the same client on both platforms.

I can certainly understand why they want to do this - they need to make money, and inserting ads to the stream is about the only way to get money without getting people to pay to use the service. But do that, and all the other "second tier" services will say they are free, and they'll get all the messaging flow.

No, from a client, Twitter has to be without charge, or it will fail. But it's got to make money, so it's got to be ads. The article says LinkedIn was first, but I wonder when the other clients will be on the hit parade?

Starting Work on New Project: LKit – Simple Lisp-Like Language

Friday, June 29th, 2012


Today I've spent a good bit of time working on a new project - a lisp-like language in C++ for processing scripts in as efficient manner as possible. The idea was really from some work I've done in the past as well as talking to some nice guys at a start-up that are looking to do the same kind of thing. What I was thinking was that I'd put something together, and point them to it so they could get an idea of how I'd do it. Then, they are free to use it or not, and I've done my part to help them out.

I interviewed with them, but I don't think I'm going to be getting an offer, or taking the offer, as it's likely to be lower than what I have from another place, and it's a small shop, and therefore, a significantly greater risk. But I want to help them, and this is what they were hoping I'd be doing if I joined the group.

The first steps were pulling up the ideas I had from the original code, but there were a lot of things about that code that I didn't like - specifically in the area of performance. I'd like this version to be as fast as possible as it's going to be working on very large data sets - typically time series data, and so the type of data is somewhat restricted, but the amount is enormous.

I got the first two classes built: value and then variable (a value with a name). Now I need to step back a bit and work on the rest of the component design: expressions, functions, etc. The question will be: Should I break out the evaluation methods from value into a different base class? I'm not sure if I need to do this, or if it's really going to benefit the design in any way.

Certainly, it'd be nice to have all the "evaluate-able" objects based off one super class, but I'm not sure that I need that level of flexibility. After all, a function takes a series of values as arguments, and produces a value. An expression is really a function and/or values in some relation to one another. It's not like I need to have this all that different from what it is now.

For instance, I can base the function on the value and have the result value put into the ivar for the value as a cached value to speed up the resulting calculations. That would be nice. Then expressions are something else… maybe they are just relations of values. Not sure.

In any case, I've got a start, and it's going to take a lot more work to get something ready to put on GitHub and show to the guys at the start-up. But I'll get there.

Gravatar Mix-Up and Solution

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

I have been wishing that GitHub for Mac would properly show my Gravatar since the first release so long ago. The problem is that on GitHub, my Gravatar shows up just fine:

GitHub Gravatar

but on GitHub for Mac, it's all the default I have no idea who you are… image:

GitHub for Mac

The problem stems from the issue that Gravatar assumes that the email is all lower-case before it's sent to Gravatar for image lookup. This is compounded by the fact that Gravatar does not allow you to have two emails registered for the same Gravatar that only differ by the case in the email. This means that and are totally different Gravatars, and the latter will never be found.

This is highlighted by the PHP code snippet that I found for successfully getting a Gravatar:

  $out = "".md5(strlower($email_addr));

I'm willing to bet that GitHub for Mac is not doing the lower-casing of the email address before it's taking the MD5 hash and sending that to Gravatar. To test this, I changed the parameter on my MacBook Pro and did a few checkins:


The commits I did today have the lower-case version of the setting in the commits, but the older ones don't. This is a clear indication that I'm right. Now it's possible, I suppose, to go back and completely update all the repos I'm using, but I think that's a bit excessive. I'd like Gravatar to allow for mixed-case, but they just take the gravatar_id, and it's already MD5 based at that point.

Nope, this is a GitHub for Mac issue, and they need to lower-case the email address before they send it to Gravatar and then all will be well. I've sent in the request to GitHub, and we'll see what they have to say. I'm hoping they fix this, I do hate to see the little grey shadow for all my checkins.

UPDATE: Great News! I heard back from the GitHub for Mac guys:

  From: Josh Abernathy (GitHub Staff) 
  Subject: GitHub for Mac - Gravatar Mixup

  Hi Bob,

  Ahh, thanks for tracking that down for me. I've created an issue for it.


so it looks like it's going to get fixed in an upcoming release of GitHub for Mac. That's such wonderful news as it means that all my avatars will be me and not the gray shadow. Super nice!

Rockin’ the Social Coding on GitHub – ARC Support for XMLRPC

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

GitHub Source Hosting

This morning I decided to check out the Pull Requests on GitHub. Specifically, I've always wondered how they work, and what the interface is, and I've had a nice little example waiting for me in the XMLRPC library that I'm using for SyncKit. So now is as good a time as any.

The core of adding ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) support for a Cocoa project is that ARC support is really compiled into the code. ARC is basically the LLVM correctly identifying when retain, release and autorelease need to be called, and then putting that code into the compiled executable without it having to be in the source.

It's slick, clean, and makes the code a lot less prone to memory issues. But there are things you can't do in ARC code that you can do in retain/release code - like compare-and-swap atomic operations. This is bad for the really low-latency stuff, but when you get into iOS, the ARC stuff is really a much easier way to make sure your app - and not you, has good, clean memory management.

I picked up the following simple fix for ARC support from Gus of FlyingMeat fame, and his FMDB project on GitHub:

  #if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
    return [NSMakeCollectable(temporaryUUIDString) autorelease];
    return (__bridge_transfer NSString*)temporaryUUIDString;

Because the LLVM compiler knows what the illegal methods are, it's a simple matter of going through all the code and correcting it a line at a time. It took me about two hours to do, and then I had something that worked great for AppKit and UIKit. Sweet.

So this morning, I forked the repo on GitHub, then cloned it to my MacBook Pro, made the changes and cleaned up the whitespace a bit, and then checked it all in and pushed it up to GitHub. Now was the time for the Pull request.

Happily, it's very simple. GitHub knows the commits you have done since the fork, and it's simply a matter of sending those commits to the original project maintainer, and it's up to him to incorporate them or not. You can write a nice set of comments to go along with the pull request, and I did, but I'm not sure that's all that necessary for something this simple. But is was fun.

It's off, and now it's up to Eric to see if he wants to support this. I've got my forked repo now, so it's no big deal to me, but it'd be nice to be able to stay up to date and see the code get better because of my involvement.


UPDATE: It was accepted!

GitHub Pull Accepted

This is why I love public domain coding. I can work to make something better, and the author looks at it and says Sure, why not? This is a great thing we are doing - those of us that can code well… and we need to do more of it. Give more than you take. That's a great motto.

JP Morgan Losses Could Reach $9 billion

Thursday, June 28th, 2012


OK, it's hard to imagine that just a month and a half ago, $2 billion lost due to improper hedging was thought to be a horrible thing… now it's looking like it might go as high as $9 billion. Amazing. I thought I'd heard the last of this horrible sham, but it appears not.

JP Morgan said they had $2 billion to waste, and still make a profit, now they have to pony up an additional $6 billion or more to get out of the horrible positions they got themselves into thinking they were hedging their legit positions. How much money can JP Morgan afford to loose and not be seen as the biggest pirate of the seven seas?

I've been in finance for 16 years now, and I've learned a lot, and been surprised over and over again. This is just the latest in a series of amazing things that have come up in this industry in my time. If I land a job outside this industry, I won't be sorry to leave it. I've met a lot of nice people, and yet this is an industry that's begging to be regulated even more heavily than it already is.

Setting Git Diff Tab Size

Thursday, June 28th, 2012


This morning I was putting together a GitHub pull request for the XMLRPC library I'm using in SyncKit, and I realized that I'm really tired of the tab size on the git diff being 8 when all my code uses a tab size of 4. So I finally started googling to find an answer, and it turns out that the presentation of the git diff is really nothing more than the Unix command less. Interesting. Makes sense.

So you can make the tab size 4 by simply running:

  $ git config --global core.pager 'less -x4'

and if you omit the --global argument, it'll set it just for the repo you are in. This will be great when I have a repo with a tab size of 2, for instance. I can set the global to 4, and then override it as needed in the repo. Very nice.

Once again, Git rules.

AppleScript to Resize Safari Windows

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012


I have taken to using Safari for my GitHub views, and the problem there is that I'm typically looking at landscape pages in Safari, and not wide screen pages. But for GitHub, it's much nicer to look at things wide screen so that we get the entire width. What I'm left with is two different preferred sizes, and Safari will remember the last size you had, so it make sense to look into a way to make things a little easier for setting these sizes. Enter AppleScript.

It's actually pretty simple, once you know the things you can ask for, and get. The script to put the front-most Safari window into landscape mode is:

  tell application "Safari"
    set myPos to bounds of front window
    set x to item 1 of myPos
    set y to item 2 of myPos
    set bounds of front window to {x, y, x + 601, y + 629}
  end tell

placed into your ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Safari/ directory.

To set the front-most Safari window to wide screen mode, I simply used a different geometry:

  tell application "Safari"
    set myPos to bounds of front window
    set x to item 1 of myPos
    set y to item 2 of myPos
    set bounds of front window to {x, y, x + 678, y + 468}
  end tell

With these in the aforementioned directory, I can use them to resize the front Safari windows very nicely. Sweet.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing a lot of AppleScript, but it's nice to have when you need to throw simple things like this together.

Disable Lock Screen on Ubuntu 12.04

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Ubuntu Tux

While I like Ubuntu 12.04 a lot, the lock screen on the screen saver is a little too much authentication for me. It's a laptop, and it's on my desk, so it's not going anywhere. But I couldn't find an easy way to get rid of it. Until this morning. Yeah!

Turns out it's a simple preference command:

  $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled false

And with this run once, the screen save is still active, but when I hit a key to wake it up, I don't have to type in my password to see the desktop. Nice! This is a really nice desktop linux system - in addition to being a great server platform. Very impressed.

Google Chrome dev 21.0.1180.11 is Out

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Google Chrome

This morning I noticed that yesterday while I was at the interviews, the Google Chrome team release 21.0.1180.11 to the dev channel. The changes are sounding pretty routine these days: new V8 javascript engine, more Retina (HiDPI) enhancements for the new MacBook Pros, and several other crash fixes. Not bad for an update. I'm pleased that they are keeping the speed up after those few sluggish releases, so we'll see what they have planned for the 22.x series.