Setting Git Diff Tab Size


This morning I was putting together a GitHub pull request for the XMLRPC library I'm using in SyncKit, and I realized that I'm really tired of the tab size on the git diff being 8 when all my code uses a tab size of 4. So I finally started googling to find an answer, and it turns out that the presentation of the git diff is really nothing more than the Unix command less. Interesting. Makes sense.

So you can make the tab size 4 by simply running:

  $ git config --global core.pager 'less -x4'

and if you omit the --global argument, it'll set it just for the repo you are in. This will be great when I have a repo with a tab size of 2, for instance. I can set the global to 4, and then override it as needed in the repo. Very nice.

Once again, Git rules.