Archive for the ‘Coding’ Category

Fire off a Promise

Friday, April 19th, 2024

This morning I was thinking about the interrogation of the Promise in Node, and it was a little bothering to me that there was no way to easily see if it was complete. Then I thought - Maybe there is a different way? So I decided to give this a try.

The use-case is this: I want to be able to fire off a request to another Service, and maybe it'll get back to me in time, and maybe it won't. Either way, I don't want to wait. I have other work to do that must get done. So I want to fire this Promise off, and then, if it's done when I need its result - Great! If not, then Also Great!

But the normal:

  const foo = await callAsyncFunction()

isn't going to work, because that will wait until it's done. So how to work this out?

It turns out that it's not too hard.

  const { setTimeout } = require('timers/promises')
  const runTest = async () => {
    let done = false
    const foo = setTimeout(5000).then((val) => done = true)
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      console.log('FOO', foo, done)
      await setTimeout(1000)
    .then(() => console.log('All done running Timing test.'))
    .finally(() => process.exit())

and when I run this:

  $ node foo.js
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  All done running Timing test.

So all we need to do is to have a variable that indicates the state of the completeness, and then return that in the .then() call. Sure, it may make a lot more sense to have:

    const foo = setTimeout(5000).then((val) => {
      done = true
      return val

so that we get the value back into foo, but that's easy... the point is to toggle the variable in that .then() and query that, as needed.

This way, I don't have to worry about any unsupported ways of finding out, it's simple. 🙂

Upgraded to Postgres 16.2

Tuesday, March 26th, 2024


I noticed that Postgres 16 was updated in Homebrew, so I took the time to upgrade the installation on my MacBook Pro, and it was remarkably easy. Because it was a simple "dot" upgrade, the installer did all the heavy lifting:

 $ brew upgrade postgresql@16

and then when it was done, simply restart the service with:

 $ brew services restart postgresql@16

And that was it. Everything is up and running just fine. What a treat. 🙂

Postgres JSONB Field Manipulations

Monday, December 4th, 2023


Since it was announced, the JSONB field in Postgres has been one of the most useful fields I've encountered. It's the ability to have complex data as a single field, with very powerful querying tools into the data - as needed. But one thing that has always been a little tough for me is the manipulation of the data, in SQL, so that it stays as JSON, but it's been altered from it's as-stored value.

Let's say we have a table that has a JSONB field that has an array of Objects, each looking something like this:

    "id": 101,
    "size": "large",
    "score": 91,
    "count": 1232

and there can be more, but what you really want in your SELECT is just an Array of the id and score, and nothing else. It still needs to be an Array, and each element needs to be an Object, but a smaller Object, with just those two attributes.

From the docs, Postgres has jsonb_array_elements() that can turn an Array into something that looks like a table... and we can use the ->> notation to get at the value of an attribute, but how does it all fit together to disassemble, modify, and re-assemble all the elements? A sub-select.

Let's walk through one.

  SELECT jsonb_agg(
             'id', t.value->>'id',
             'score', t.value->>'score'
    FROM jsonb_array_elements(c.targets) t

the json_build_object() will take the key/value pairs it's given, and create a new Object. The source data for this is t and is the output of the jsonb_array_elements() function in the targets field, which is the JSONB file that is holding this data.

Then to pull this together, you might have a query like:

         (SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object(
                   'id', t.value->>'id',
                   'score', t.value->>'score'))
            FROM jsonb_array_elements(c.targets) t
           WHERE = AS targets
    FROM company c
   WHERE ...

It's not easy... but it's powerful, and there are a lot of things that can be done with this kind of manipulation... it's just going to take a little practice. 🙂

Ordered an M3 Max MacBook Pro

Sunday, November 5th, 2023

Black MacBook Pro

I thought about it for a bit, but the boost in performance, and the doubling of the memory were really the key points that made it a decision worth making. So I ordered it. A new M3 Max MacBook Pro - Black, 128GB RAM, and 2TB storage (seems silly to call it a disk, or drive anymore). And the target delivery date is around the end of the month. Not bad.

After watching the Scary Fast announcement, it was clear that skipping the M2 Max was going to make this jump a much more significant one, and I was right. Also, there's nothing really wrong with my existing M1 Max MacBook Pro, but the doubling of memory, and 50% increase in speed is going to be something I will use every single day.

The new Space Black color looks good, and I'm sure it'll be just fine with regards to the fingerprints mentioned in so many reviews, and it'll be nice to see it next to my iPad Pro that's similarly dark... it should be a nice addition. 🙂

macOS 14.1 Update Fixed WebKit Issue

Friday, October 27th, 2023


This morning I'm very happy to see that the issue I've been having with macOS Sonoma 14.0 appears to be gone. I like the upgrade, for the most part, but what I'd noticed was that the memory usage for Safari and Safari Technology Preview would rise to the point of crashing the system. This mean that I had to have Activity Monitor running all the time to make sure the web pages that were getting too big were reloaded, or dropped, when their footprint got the memory pressure into the "yellow" - before it went "red".

I had expected that this was a dot 0 issue, and I was right - with the 14.1 update earlier this week, the memory footprint has started low, and stayed there - for a few days. Now I'll probably run Activity Monitor through the weekend, just to make sure, but I have a good feeling that this is something that got cleared up, and I'm not going to see a recurrence of the problem.

I have enjoyed macOS, and the Mac System long before Cocoa and Foundation, but this is something I am glad to see I was right about. They move forward, but pay attention, and fix the little things as they go. What a great team. 🙂

Moving to Postgres 16.0

Friday, October 20th, 2023


This morning I noticed that not only was Postgres 14.9 out, they had released 15.x and even 16.0. It's unusual for me to be a full major version behind on my main laptop, but to be two was just something that had to be corrected.

Several months ago, it was clear that the official Postgres builds were no longer being done by the Postgres group, and so the support for 15.0 wasn't in Homebrew. I figured it'd just be a little bit, and then things would start back up again. But that was not the case. What happened, instead, was that the Homebrew volunteers took it upon themselves to build the packages for 14.x, 15, and now 16.

So let's write this all down so it's easy to do next time we change a major version of Postgres. Start by saving everything in all the databases:

  $ pg_dumpall > dump.sql
  $ brew services stop postgresql@14

Now we can wipe out the old install and it's data:

  $ brew uninstall postgresql@14
  $ rm -rf /opt/homebrew/var/postgresql@14

Now we install the new version, start it, and load back up the data:

  $ brew install postgresql@16
  $ brew services start postgresql@16
  $ psql -d postgres -f dump.sql
  $ psql -l

If the command psql doesn't show up in the path, just relink the package:

  $ brew link postgresql@16

Then it should be in the right spot.

At this point, it's all loaded up and you can ditch the dump.sql file, as it's no longer needed, and the new version is active:

  $ psql --version
  psql (PostgreSQL) 16.0 (Homebrew)

Not bad at all. 🙂

Nice Postgres Feature: LATERAL

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023


There are many times when you would like a sub-select query to be constrained on one of the values of the main query, but when you attempt to do that you get an error message about not being able to use the variable in this context. For example, this query:

  SELECT, c.company_name, pb.available, pb.current,
         date_trunc('second', pb.as_of) AS as_of, pbs.*
    FROM companies c, plaid_tokens pt, plaid_balances pb,
         (SELECT SUM(available) AS all_available,
                 SUM(CURRENT) AS all_current
            FROM plaid_balances WHERE pbs
   WHERE = (c.additional_info->>'primaryPlaidAccount')::uuid
     AND pt.account_id = pb.account_id

where the goal is to have a sub-select gather the sum of the individual columns being pulled in the main query. It's a nice thing to have, but the inability to have used in the sub-select really makes it difficult.

Postgres has a nice feature in LATERAL, where is allows the sub-select to reference these fields by changing the order of evaluation of the sub-select and doesn't penalize the performance too much.

  SELECT, c.company_name, pb.available, pb.current,
         date_trunc('second', pb.as_of) AS as_of, pbs.*
    FROM companies c, plaid_tokens pt, plaid_balances pb,
         lateral (SELECT SUM(available) AS all_available,
                         SUM(CURRENT) AS all_current
                    FROM plaid_balances WHERE pbs
   WHERE = (c.additional_info->>'primaryPlaidAccount')::uuid
     AND pt.account_id = pb.account_id

This is still quick, and it saves the machinations of having to calculate the sums in a temp table, or write a function to do this... it's just a nice little trick that they put in the language. Very considerate. 🙂

The Passing of a Legend

Sunday, August 6th, 2023


This morning, a friend sent an email with a link mentioning the passing of Bram Moolenaar, the initial creator of Vim. There aren't many folks who have impacted my professional life as much as the creators of Vi, and then Bram and Vim.

I remember first using Vi at Purdue in my final year of Undergrad on the ADM terminals, and then making sure I could find termcap entries for all the terminals I could get my hands on in the days when you had terminals hooked by serial lines to the Dual VAX 11/780 system at the Electrical Engineering Department. After that, it was Auburn, and Vim on my Amiga, and then Mac System 6, and on virtually every system I had from 1985 on.

The only tool that even comples close to that longevity is GCC.

I know nothing lasts forever, and I know people pass on, but I honestly didn't expect to be so surprised by this news. I read it again, a couple of hours later on one of the RSS Feeds I read on my iPad, where, again, I have Vim. Still the same sense of sadness.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

Nice Postgresql Trick

Thursday, June 29th, 2023


This morning I really wanted to be able to set the psql prompt in my sessions because the system we have for creating databases doesn't really create nicely human-readable name, and even so, I'd like to have the name in the prompt match the branch of the code I'm working on... it just works out better.

So I started digging, and the -c parameter is OK, but the psql session terminates after that - so that's not going to work. And piping in the \set commands seemed to be problematic, and then I found this:

  $ psql --set=PROMPT1="${br}%R%#%x "

where br is the name of the branch I'm working on. This could then be obtained from git easily, and then put into a function, and it works great!

  # "platter psql (postgres command line tool)" - start a psql session on
  # the provided branch in the PLATTER_INSTANCE in the .env file in the
  # current directory (a Node project repo). If no branch is provided, then
  # the current git branch will be used.
  function ppsql() {
    if [ -f .env ]; then
      set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
      local br=$1
      if [ ${#br} -eq 0 ]; then
        br=`cat .git/HEAD | sed -e 's:^.*/::'`
      local url="`npx platter postgres branch url ${br} \
           --instance $PLATTER_INSTANCE | tr -d '\n'`?sslmode=require"
      psql --set=PROMPT1="${br}%R%#%x " --set=PROMPT2="${br}%R%#%x " $url
      echo "Not in a Node project directory!"

With this, it's so easy now to be able to keep track of the database (branch) I'm on with Platter, and that makes a really big different to my peace of mind. 🙂

Node, Docker, Google Cloud, and Environment Variables

Monday, November 14th, 2022


At The Shop, we're using Google Cloud Run for a containerized API written in Node, and it's a fine solution - really. But one of the issues we have run into is that of environment variables. We have a lot of them. The configuration for dev versus prod versus local development is all being held in environment variables, and the standard way for these to be passed in the cloudbuild.yaml file in the Build step:

  - name:
    entrypoint: '/bin/bash'
      - '-c'
      - >-
        docker build --no-cache
        --build-arg BRANCH_NAME=$BRANCH_NAME
        --build-arg THESHOP_ENV=$_THESHOP_ENV
        --build-arg BASE_API_URL=$_BASE_API_URL
        . -f Dockerfile
    id: Build

and then in the Dockerfile, you have:

RUN test -n "$BRANCH_NAME" || (echo 'please pass in --build-arg BRANCH_NAME' && exit 1)
RUN test -n "$THESHOP_ENV" || (echo 'please pass in --build-arg THESHOP_ENV' && exit 1)
RUN test -n "$BASE_API_URL" || (echo 'please pass in --build-arg BASE_API_URL' && exit 1)

While will place them in the environment of the built container. And all this is fine, until you start to hit the limits.

The cloudbuild.yaml command has a limit of 4000 characters, and if you have large, or sufficient number, of environment variables then you can exceed this, and we have. There is also a limit of 20 arguments to the docker build command, so again, we run into trouble if the number of environment variables gets more than that. So what can be done?

Well... since we are using Google Cloud Secrets, we could write something to scan those secrets, and pull them all into the running process, and stuff them into the process.env map for Node. But therein lies another problem: Node is asynchronous, so if we have top-level definitions that use these environment variables, like, say clients to Vendor services, then it's quite possible that they will need those variables before we have had the chance to load them.

So what can we do?

The solution that seems to work is to have a separate app that will be run in the Dockerfile, and will generate a .env file resides only in the container, and is built at the time the container is built, and contains all the environment variables we need. Then, the Node app can just use these with the dotenv library.

To make this file, we have the end of the Dockerfile look like:

# now copy everything over to the container to be made...
COPY . .
# run the node script to generate the .env file
  npm run create-env
# run the migrations for the database to keep things up to date
RUN npx migrate up --store='@platter/migrate-store'
CMD [ "node", "-r", "dotenv/config", "./bin/www" ]

So that we give the create-env script the few key environment variables it needs to read the Google Cloud Secrets, and then it generates the file. The create-env script is defined in the package.json as:

  "scripts": {
    "create-env": "node -r dotenv/config tools/make-env"

and then the script itself is:

const arg = require('arg')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const { addSecretsToEnv } = require('../secrets')
const { log } = require('../logging')
const _help = `Help on command usage:
  npm run create-env -- --help         - show this message
  npm run create-env -- --file <name>  - where to write the env [.env]
  npm run create-env -- --verbose      - be noisy about it
  Nothing is required other than the FLEXBASE_ENV and some GCP env variables
  that can be specified on the command line.`;
 * This is the main entry point for the script. We will simply read in all
 * the secrets for the THESHOP_ENV defined environment from the Cloud
 * Secrets, and then write them all to the '.env' file, as the default.
 * This will allow us to set up this environment nicely in a Dockerfile.
(async () => {
  // only do this if we are run directly from 'npm run'...
  if (!module.parent) {
    // let's process the arguments and then do what they are asking
    const args = arg({
      '--help': Boolean,
      '--verbose': Boolean,
      '--file': String,
    // break it into what we need
    const verbose = args['--verbose']
    const where = args['--file'] ?? '.env'
    // ... now let's pull in all the appropriate Secrets to the local env...`[makeEnv] loading the Secrets for ${process.env.THESHOP_ENV} into
        this environment...`)
    const resp = await addSecretsToEnv()
    if (verbose) {
    // ...and now we can write them out to a suitable file`[makeEnv] writing the environment to ${where}...`)
    const ans = execSync(`printenv > ${where}`).toString()
    if (verbose) {

The addSecretsToEnv() is where we use the Google Secrets Node Client to read all the Secrets in our account, and one by one, pull them down and put them into process.env. The fact that this runs before the app starts is how we get around the asynchronous nature of Node, and by having it be an .env variable, we can use all the normal tools to read and process it, and we no longer need to worry about the top-level Vendor clients trying to define themselves with environment variables that haven't been defined.

Now if Node had a way to force an async function to finish before moving on, then this wouldn't be necessary, as we'd simply call the addSecretsToEnv() in the Node start-up script, well ahead of the loading of the other files. But alas... that's not how it works.

This has turned out to be a very workable solution, and we get past the limitations of the cloudbuild.yaml file, which is a great relief.