AppleScript to Resize Safari Windows


I have taken to using Safari for my GitHub views, and the problem there is that I'm typically looking at landscape pages in Safari, and not wide screen pages. But for GitHub, it's much nicer to look at things wide screen so that we get the entire width. What I'm left with is two different preferred sizes, and Safari will remember the last size you had, so it make sense to look into a way to make things a little easier for setting these sizes. Enter AppleScript.

It's actually pretty simple, once you know the things you can ask for, and get. The script to put the front-most Safari window into landscape mode is:

  tell application "Safari"
    set myPos to bounds of front window
    set x to item 1 of myPos
    set y to item 2 of myPos
    set bounds of front window to {x, y, x + 601, y + 629}
  end tell

placed into your ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Safari/ directory.

To set the front-most Safari window to wide screen mode, I simply used a different geometry:

  tell application "Safari"
    set myPos to bounds of front window
    set x to item 1 of myPos
    set y to item 2 of myPos
    set bounds of front window to {x, y, x + 678, y + 468}
  end tell

With these in the aforementioned directory, I can use them to resize the front Safari windows very nicely. Sweet.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing a lot of AppleScript, but it's nice to have when you need to throw simple things like this together.