Updated to Textual 7 – Standalone
Friday, February 21st, 2025Yesterday I noticed that Textual 7 was removed from the App Store, and they took it Standalone with a separate license from the authors. I have the App Store version, so I asked - in Textual 🙂 - what the process was for upgrading to the Standalone version.
While I waited for an answer, I kept looking on the company website, and sure enough, they had a set of instructions for how to get a license from an App Store version. So this morning, I followed those instructions, and now have the latest version of Textual 7 with a new Standalone license from the authors.
I get the reason they left the App Store... the license only costs $10, so it's not like they make a ton of money on the app... so it makes sense to try and keep what they get. And I run it all the time, so it's not like I wouldn't have paid $10 for a new license, if that's what was needed. But this was really nice of them to offer a path.