Twitter Issues Warning to Developers


This evening I was reading a few tweets and this popped up. Not good news for me as I'm using Twitterrific on iOS and OS X. I have no desire to be forced to use the "certified" Twitter clients. They aren't as nice, and I'm really getting to like using the same client on both platforms.

I can certainly understand why they want to do this - they need to make money, and inserting ads to the stream is about the only way to get money without getting people to pay to use the service. But do that, and all the other "second tier" services will say they are free, and they'll get all the messaging flow.

No, from a client, Twitter has to be without charge, or it will fail. But it's got to make money, so it's got to be ads. The article says LinkedIn was first, but I wonder when the other clients will be on the hit parade?