Archive for December, 2023

Happy Birthday to Me!

Sunday, December 31st, 2023


It's been another trip around the sun for me, and so I guess it's time to look back at the year, see what's gone well, see what I learned when things didn't go so well, and try to learn from everything that happened this year. I have to say, it's been a very good year in many respects, and I've learned a lot about dealing with situations that I find myself in, that I wish I weren't.

I will admit that I'm a touch surprised that there isn't more snow, or any to speak of, but that will come soon enough, and for now, it's just nice to enjoy the weather we're having.

I am very lucky... I have all that I need, and most of what I want. 🙂

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 25th, 2023

Christmas Tree

It's been a nice, quiet Christmas here, and that's about all I could possibly ask for. I've treated it much like a normal Monday, with a morning run, and then crossword, and checking what's happening at work.

No major issues for work today, but a few little things that needed to be done. Not bad at all... 🙂

Postgres JSONB Field Manipulations

Monday, December 4th, 2023


Since it was announced, the JSONB field in Postgres has been one of the most useful fields I've encountered. It's the ability to have complex data as a single field, with very powerful querying tools into the data - as needed. But one thing that has always been a little tough for me is the manipulation of the data, in SQL, so that it stays as JSON, but it's been altered from it's as-stored value.

Let's say we have a table that has a JSONB field that has an array of Objects, each looking something like this:

    "id": 101,
    "size": "large",
    "score": 91,
    "count": 1232

and there can be more, but what you really want in your SELECT is just an Array of the id and score, and nothing else. It still needs to be an Array, and each element needs to be an Object, but a smaller Object, with just those two attributes.

From the docs, Postgres has jsonb_array_elements() that can turn an Array into something that looks like a table... and we can use the ->> notation to get at the value of an attribute, but how does it all fit together to disassemble, modify, and re-assemble all the elements? A sub-select.

Let's walk through one.

  SELECT jsonb_agg(
             'id', t.value->>'id',
             'score', t.value->>'score'
    FROM jsonb_array_elements(c.targets) t

the json_build_object() will take the key/value pairs it's given, and create a new Object. The source data for this is t and is the output of the jsonb_array_elements() function in the targets field, which is the JSONB file that is holding this data.

Then to pull this together, you might have a query like:

         (SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object(
                   'id', t.value->>'id',
                   'score', t.value->>'score'))
            FROM jsonb_array_elements(c.targets) t
           WHERE = AS targets
    FROM company c
   WHERE ...

It's not easy... but it's powerful, and there are a lot of things that can be done with this kind of manipulation... it's just going to take a little practice. 🙂