Old Biases in Java Tools Creeping into Clojure Work
Monday, December 10th, 2012I know that there's little to nothing I can do about it, but it's a little frightening that as I start to dig more and more into the "World of Clojure" the tools that I didn't like from my previous jobs with Java are rearing their ugly heads: JBoss, Hibernate, etc. Now things may have changed dramatically since I was writing Java code back at a previous job, but I'm guessing it's only changed marginally since then. The problems I had back then were the near mend less use of any package from the net that had anything to do with Java. Certainly if it came from the Apache camp.
Interestingly, it's a lot like the gems I'm seeing in the ruby world - developers do a quick 60-sec google search, see that a gem is written that sounds right, get it and assume it's bug free. Only when it doesn't work do they start to see that often times, Free Software isn't free.
So I'm trying very hard to keep my mouth shut about all this as I know the guys I'm working with on this don't have my experience with these tools, and in general, don't really even think about production issues at all. In fact, when I mentioned logging in clojure to the "clojure guru" here in the Shop, he said "I'm not really sure about any of that"
I just shook my head.
This is the kind of idealistic attitude I see every day. Most of these guys think it's enough to get the code working. Most times. So what's the big deal if you have to hack it up a bit now and again? No biggie, right?
I've seen this time and again in academics, and it's OK there, but if you want to make something that's going to run in the real world, you have to pay attention to all the details. Not just go with the brightest, shiniest, object in your field of vision.
Just keep your mouth shut, Bob. It's not going to change anything, anyway.