Updated Dash/Hashie Properties – Sore Subject
Friday, December 14th, 2012I'm pretty sure I've ranted about this already, but once again today, it has been thrust in my face by the Code Monkeys that I work with. We start out the application design with a Hash. It's a wonderfully simple, flexible, data storage tool, and since we don't know all that we need, it makes far more sense to use it than enumerated ivars. So far, so good.
Then we pull in Hashie. This gives us "dotted methods" for all the keys in the hash. This includes the key? methods - one per key, that we can use as opposed to saying: m['key'].nil?. It's a win, and I love it. It does this without any restrictions or set-up on our part. I love it. So far, even better.
Then some in the group decide that we need to switch to a formatting/declarative version of the Hashie. Now if you want to use a value in the hash, you have to enumerate it in the class with a property keyword. All of a sudden, I'm not happy, and I say why I think this is a bad idea.
Up comes the ugly spectra of weak management and strong willed co-workers and Agile. They decide to re-write it even though we didn't all agree to it. Kinda bites, in my book. But I guess someday that'll work for me when I make unilateral decisions, and since I'm willing to work more hours, I'll get more of those opportunities. If I were a jerk.
So now, we have error messages and the code doesn't work because the incoming data source added a field and the code didn't. Had we left it alone, it'd be fine and we'd be working just as you expect. But because of this decision, we have production issues.
Where's the win, Boys?!
So I had to add some properties to the class just to make it not error. Yeah, this is good work guys.