I had long suspected that we needed to have tools for correcting problems associated with the reassignment and prioritization phases of the process, and today I finally decided to just make some. There are several interesting pieces in this story, but let's talk about the actual need and how I worked that into the process first.
It's not surprising that again today we had a slight issue with the prioritization of a single sales rep - not due to the code, but due to the incoming data. It would have been really nice to have simply re-run that one sales rep through the prioritizer, and fix them up. But we didn't have any tools to do that. So we had to say "Sorry, it'll be fixed tomorrow".
So after stand-up, I decided that we needed to have tools to:
- Re-prioritize a single sales rep - this will pull all the accounts (merchants) for a single sales rep and then cleanly rank them for their daily call list. This is basically what we do nightly, but we start out getting all the sales reps in a division.
- Clear all the priorities on a single sales rep - this is something that I think is going to become more important as things slip throughout the cracks and we need to clear out account call list priorities en masse. This will simply pull in all the accounts for a single sales rep and then clear out their call list priorities.
- Clear all the priorities on a single sales rep within a division - this is like the last, but in the case of the House Account, which is the same for all divisions, we might want to confine the clearing to a single division for safety sake.
With these three tools, we should be able to do all the quick fixes that have come up since we started showing this to sales reps and their city managers. Thankfully, the code for all this is pretty simple - even battle-tested. If we look at the existing code that gets all the sales reps for a division and then prioritizes them one by one, we can simply make that inner block the prioritize_rep() method, and move the code such that it's simple to call either method - the division-level one, or the per-sales rep one, and get what we need.
Finally, it's simple to copy that method and create clear_rep() where we don't prioritize the accounts for a rep, but simply get them and clear out the requisite fields. It's not bad at all. Pretty simple, really. But that's where the fun ends.
In order to do this, I had to change a lot of specs and other code simply because it wasn't meant to be flexible. This is what I hate most about these unit tests. They really aren't written to be as reusable and flexible as the code they are testing, but they need to be. I spent probably 30 min changing the code, and about another hour fixing the tests. That's messed up.
Buy the real story of the day is when I was talking about doing this, some of the other guys in the group didn't necessarily want to help do it, but they certainly wanted to make sure that their $0.02 was listen to, and done. It's like the unwritten evil side of Agile, or maybe it's just the Code Monkeys, but it's perfectly natural to have a design discussion - even if it's completely one-sided. It's considered "helpful", and "nice". But really, it's about wanting to control the decision without having to burden the responsibility of it being right.
I can work in Agile, and I see some of the benefits, but I think it's like any other evangelical movement - the downsides are completely dismissed by the "faithful" as fringe, and extreme - and certainly not representative of what they do. But it is.
I really long for being on a project where I don't have Code Monkeys. I like the people, just not how they act a lot of the time.