Fixed Issues with Production


This morning I had a production problem that I'm sad to say I probably should have seen coming. I added some new data from Teradata into the system and it was a bunch of metrics for a bunch of deals, all aggregated up to the Merchant level, and thrown into a JSON file for parsing. The original code didn't allow for there not being data for a division, and it could have easily been solved with something like this:

  @division_cache = source_data[division] || {}

but I forgot the "|| {}", and so it was possible to return a nil. This caused a nil pointer problem, and that hurt.

The solution was simple, and thankfully, I had time to re-run everything, but it was something that again I've strayed from - good, solid, defensive coding. I miss it.

I wish I had more control over this project and could enforce this without the knowledge that it'll get ripped out in a few days by someone looking to "improve" the code.