Archive for the ‘Coding’ Category

Hammering on Threading Problems is Tedious Work

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011


Today I'm dealing with a lot of issues regarding performance and threading. It's non-trivial, even for as much of it as I've done, as it's all a balance of safety, speed, and need. It's just plain not easy, but hey… if it were, I wouldn't get paid to do it.

Today I ran across an interesting issue… found this code:

  const calc::results_t & Option::getResults() const
    using namespace boost::detail;
    spinlock::scoped_lock  lock((spinlock &)mResultsMutex);
    return mResults;

Now I know that the intended purpose of this code was to make sure that no one altered the mResults value while a copy was made on the calling stack and returned to the caller. But that's not at all what's happening, is it?

Have a look at the return type - a reference. That means that we're passing back a reference to the mResults value, and not a copy at all. This means that the scoped lock is totally useless in this context. Better to just remove it as there are places in the code that expect to get a reference:

  const calc::results_t & Option::getResults() const
    return mResults;

This is far cleaner, and just as "protected" from multiple thread access - which is to say it isn't.

I'm cleaning up things and trying to track down why I'm getting a deadlock, but it's not at all simple. It's not as easy as looking at the code - if it were, I'd have solved it, but some things are just too well hidden to pop out on a simple inspection. Sometimes, it takes a smoking gun to really point out the problem you have.

So I'm looking for the smoking gun. Hope I find it soon.

Nasty Locking Issue with Boost Scoped Spin Locks

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Boost C++ Libraries

I'm typically a huge fan of the boost libraries. They have saved me a ton of time in the last year, and they are about as rock-solid as I've seen public domain software be. But today I've been fighting a threading issue that's really been vexing. I'm not 100% positive this afternoon, but the evidence is certainly pointing to a problem with the use of the boost::detail::spinlock::scoped_lock and using it in very tight loop situations like the following:

  size_t MessageSource::getCountOfListeners()
    boost::detail::spinlock::scoped_lock     lock(mMutex);
    return mListeners.size();

where mListeners is just a boost::unordered_set containing pointers of some kind. The problem seems to be coming from the use of this as an argument in a function like the following:"[process] %d kids", getCountOfListeners());

Now I've clearly simplified things a bit, but I'm guessing that I'd have had a lot better luck had I done the following:

  size_t MessageSource::getCountOfListeners()
    size_t   sz = mListeners.size();
    return sz;

where I'm explicitly locking, getting the value, and unlocking the mutex. But there were a lot of places in the code where this was occurring, and rather than go that route, I chose to try the Intel TBB concurrent_hash_map where the key is the pointer and the value is just a dummy uint8_t. This compiles and runs just fine, with the added benefit that I was able to remove all the locks:

  size_t MessageSource::getCountOfListeners()
    return mListeners.size();

In this implementation, the hash map handles the size for me, and I don't have to worry about the locking or the scoped lock's lifetime. I believe this is going to make a huge difference tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see. It's certainly in the area of the problem.

Upgraded to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Mac OS X Lion

A few weeks ago, yeah, I know, I've been busy, I got Lion (10.7.1) from the Mac App Store and installed it on my main MacBook Pro. The upgrade took longer than I really expected - the downloading was not fast at all. But I will say, it was smooth. Very smooth.

The big issues I found with Mac OS X Lion is that Colloquy 2.3 wasn't really working properly. Thankfully, all the other apps that I depend on day-to-day were working fine. I still have the problem that Twitterrific does not work when the video card is changed and it tries to "pop up", but hey, it's a small price to pay, and it's not just Twitterrific - it's all the pop-up Twitter clients I've tried. Kind of disappointing.

Anyway, Colloquy had a new build that does support Lion, and it's available from the Colloquy Downloads Folder. Go there, get the latest, or at least 2.4, and you're in business. Kind of surprised that they aren't more responsive as Lion has been out there for a while, but at least they have something that works for me.

Other than that, Lion is working just fine and the look and feel of the OS is very nice. I especially like the vanishing scroll bars. On, I've been asking for those for ages, and I now have them. Good. Fantastic.

Been Very Quiet

Monday, August 15th, 2011

It's been several weeks since I posted anything. It's been a hard time on many levels, and it's gotten me to the point that I just couldn't bring myself to write a thing. There was certainly a large component that was work. Things have been very unsettling at The Shop recently, and it's only very recently that I've been able to get some amount of distance from these issues and put them into a little bit of perspective.

But home has been stressful as well. Certainly, it could be argued that the one is a contributing cause of the other... working 13 hours days with a hour plus commute means that I am home very little time in the evening before I have to get some sleep for the next day. I certainly can't blame the family for this, but they certainly have added to the stress and feelings of helplessness and drifting.

So it's been a tough couple of weeks. I'm not exactly sure what's happening, or what will happen. I do know there have been a lot of updates to Google Chrome dev - it's now at 15.0.849.1 and doing fine. I'm not sure about all the update posts... It's nice to look back at them and see the update history, but after a while it seemed like the only positive things I wrote about were the software updates. That really started to contribute heavily to the de-motivation.

So today I decided I needed to write this down. I'm not sure that it's going to make a big difference in things, but maybe it's just the act of writing again that I needed. Maybe it's just taking the time to think about things in a slightly larger context that helps make things look a little less gloomy. I sure would like it to be that easy.

Well... that's the source of the silence. Self-imposed. Maybe I'm turning a corner.

A Compiler, an Editor, and a Shell – Done

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

A good friend of mine tweeted this post from Joe Armstrong, the designer of erlang, about what it takes to get started with a new language. It's most interesting to me that I agreed with everything in the post before I even knew who had written it. What makes it so wonderful to me is that it is so incredibly spot-on is... well... everything!

He tells the starting developer to type in a simple little Hello World program and then run it.

Thats all it takes - typing three lines of code into a file with a text editor - then typing two lines into the shell.

That's all it takes. 95% of all the fun can be achieved with a simple text editor and the erlang shell. That's how most of the erlang system was implemented.

Which I get as that's the way I've evolved my erlang programming. But he goes on to say:

Me I use
     - a shell
     - makefiles
     - emacs
for all know programming languages under the sun.

98% of all the fun can be had with the compiler alone - all the rest is hype.

But the real gem is just after that:

After 30 years you will get the hang of this and be a good programmer.

and that's the thing I think most people are missing these days - things take time, and there's no guarantee that after that long you'll be some expert, but there's no way to become an expert without putting in the time.

He's right:

IDEs and build tools are the single biggest obstacle I know of to getting started.

I'd just add "...and becoming good." You can't let some tool do things for you that you don't understand. If you understand how to do it, then it's OK to have a tool that helps you, but you have to have the eye to be able to detect when the tool has gone wrong, and be able to correct it easily.

I'll never forget in high school when my Trigonometry teacher insisted we learn the half-angle, and double-angle formulas for trig functions, and then the 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 triangles. I thought What a waste - we'll always have calculators!

Fast forward to my junior year in college on a test in Mechanical Engineering. I'm doing the trig functions on my aging calculator and the numbers just didn't look right. Sure enough, the cos() function wasn't returning correct values. How did I know? You betcha, those triangles and formulas that I knew I'd never need. Yeah... right.

With those same formulas, I was able to convert them into sin() functions and finish the test, but had I blindly followed the calculator, I'd have messed up the test something horribly. Same with IDEs - nice, if you know how to do it already, but they really do get in the way of learning the language. The syntax is important. You can't short-cut the learning of how to code in a language, you just have to do it.

Maybe I'm old school as well, but I'd much rather be in this boat than the Learn Anything in 21 Days crowd.

Google Chrome dev 14.0.814.0 is Out

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

Google Chrome

This morning I noticed that Google Chrome dev 14.0.814.0 was out, and while it's been a while since they've released an update, it's nice to see that things are stabilizing out and settling down. Seems like the biggie in this release is the V8 engine to, which is nice because that's becoming the new development/deployment environment. While you're not going to do a lot of high-powered math, I have read about someone's extensions to WebKit to include OpenCL and the GPU processing for JavaScript. Now that would be neat. To be able to use the GPU in JavaScript without having to explicitly code for it. That would be neat.

In any case, it's up, I got it, and things are going well.

Matching Numbers; Fixing Bugs in Greek Engine (cont.)

Monday, July 11th, 2011

High-Tech Greek Engine

Today I was able to really get some good data for the comparison of my Greek Engine and the legacy tools and things are really lining up. The problems that remain are really in the area of how to handle pre-open quotes and trades, and how to handle the close. I've been through this all before, and I knew it'd be tricky. It's not horrible, it's just methodical. You have to look what the legacy code is doing, and then try to emulate that in your code with some eye towards the future. Just takes time.

At the same time, I found a few really amazing bugs in the code. Things I should have seen a lot earlier, but were looking right over far too many times. One is the extraction of the symbol name from the SecurityID - a 128-bit number that packs a lot of information about the instrument in those 128 bits. An uninitialized SecurityID will appear to be a stock with a symbol name of no length. I was treating that as an error rather than dealing with it and returning an 'empty' name.

But even more amazing is that the error I was trying to log had a hex dump method that didn't support empty data sets. This, coupled with the fact that I was trying to convert the SecurityID to a (uint8_t *) and the compiler was turning it into a std::string, with zero length, and it was just a mess. I had to fix the hex dump code, the symbol extraction, and things started acting much better.

Days like this are really pretty nice. I get a lot of things done, they all impact the bottom line of user experience, and it's nice to get a lot of "things" done. Good day.

Matching Numbers, Fixing Bugs in Greek Engine

Friday, July 8th, 2011

High-Tech Greek Engine

Today I started the somewhat painful task of matching numbers in my Greek Engine to those of the existing system. The reason this is so hard is that you need to get the same inputs at the same time and then you're able to see if things line up. In order to know all the inputs, I needed to spend some time cleaning up a little code and extending the IRC responses so I could see all the values for each instrument.

There were a bunch of nagging bugs as well - nothing show-stopping, but a lot of issues with the user experience if they put in bad data in the IRC client. While it's bad data, the code shouldn't have responded the way it did (core dump), so I had to track those guys down and fix them as well. Nothing horrible, but it's the immediacy of the work that's the pain - there's some tester waiting and I needed to stop the other work I was doing to get these fixes in.

Nothing horrible, and I'm starting to see the fruits of the labor, but there are other issues about the timing of the close, and how I handle the last ticks of the day. I'll have to give it more attention on Monday.

iTerm 1.0.0 is Out

Thursday, July 7th, 2011


After another recent beta release, iTerm2 1.0.0 is out. This is a really nice replacement for the Mac OS X and has a lot of features that I don't even use. It's the BBEdit of terminal apps. It's got more features than I think almost anyone would need. One of the ones I really like is the ability to hide the scroll bars. I just don't need them, and they don't make it easier to scroll - that's built-in to the OS. Maybe with Lion (10.7), they will be less intrusive, but for now, I really like iTerm2.

Automatically Adding Instruments in Greek Engine

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

High-Tech Greek Engine

This afternoon I've been adding code to my Greek Engine to enable it to automatically add instruments from the exchange feeds based on some simple rules. The problem is that many times, the first time we'll get word of a new option will be in the ticker feed from the exchange. They happen intra-day, and it's something we have to be able to respond to no what the conditions. There will be both stocks and options being added intraday, so I needed to be able to add either - but the trick with the options is that I need to know who to place this option on.

This means I needed to expand the list of all the stocks I know about, and when I get a new one, I'll add it to this list as well. Then, a new option can see if it's underlying is defined, and if so, add itself appropriately. If not, then it falls on the floor simply because we don't have enough information to place it in the structure. So it goes.

These changes didn't really take all that long, which was nice, but I'm guessing there might be some things I have to polish about this before it hits production... after all, the legacy code it's replacing didn't handle stock additions at all.