For a little while now - starting really in the quiet times, I've been using Intel's TBB Library, and I have to say, it's pretty impressive. There are several things in the library, but the biggies of note are the concurrent vector, the concurrent hash map, and the read/write spinlock. I've used these in my work over the last month or two with great success.
When I initially started looking at the TBB, I seem to remember building and using this was a pain. But maybe it's changed, or maybe it's a bad first impression. In either case, a co-worker decided to get the code in-house and installed on a few boxes, and it's as valuable for it's target as boost is for it's. There are a lot of things in this library, but with 4.0 announced this past week, they've added the Memory Pool (we're using TCMalloc from Google, but have heard there are better out there), full GCC Atomics Support (as opposed to the gcc-specific semantics), and new unordered sets and priority queue. Very nice stuff indeed!
Last evening, I took out a boost::unordered_map and boost::detail::spinlock and replaced them with a single tab::concurrent_hash_map. The difference in code wasn't all that great, but I have to say their Accessor is a bit odd, and possibly far easier replaced with an iterator of some sort. However, I can understand why they keep the two different.
For example, when I wanted to add a key/value to a boost::unordered_map, I'd simply do something like this:
boost::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> names;
names["joe"] = 32;
but that's not possible in TBB's concurrent_hash_map. Instead, you need to do something like the following:
typedef tab::concurrent_hash_map<std::string, uint32_t> ages_t;
ages_t names;
ages_t::accessor a;
if (!names.find(a, "joe")) {
names.insert(a, "joe");
a->second = 32;
The find() is used to set the ages_t::accessor to the right pair, and lock it for updating. If it returns false, then there is no pair, and we need to insert() one in the map. Again, this will lock that pair for updating. Either way, the accessor is now pointing to the pair, and has it locked. From here, it's just a matter of setting the 'value' part of the pair.
Again, not really simple, but not terribly hard, either. The advantage is amazing. Inserts are not as fast, obviously, but the lookups are very quick and we don't have to worry about using a read/write lock on this map, or a simple mutex, to keep things from getting scrambled.
There are lots of decent tools out there, but a lot more really crummy ones. I'm glad we found TBB and boost. They are going to make things a lot easier to work with.