Matching Numbers, Fixing Bugs in Greek Engine

High-Tech Greek Engine

Today I started the somewhat painful task of matching numbers in my Greek Engine to those of the existing system. The reason this is so hard is that you need to get the same inputs at the same time and then you're able to see if things line up. In order to know all the inputs, I needed to spend some time cleaning up a little code and extending the IRC responses so I could see all the values for each instrument.

There were a bunch of nagging bugs as well - nothing show-stopping, but a lot of issues with the user experience if they put in bad data in the IRC client. While it's bad data, the code shouldn't have responded the way it did (core dump), so I had to track those guys down and fix them as well. Nothing horrible, but it's the immediacy of the work that's the pain - there's some tester waiting and I needed to stop the other work I was doing to get these fixes in.

Nothing horrible, and I'm starting to see the fruits of the labor, but there are other issues about the timing of the close, and how I handle the last ticks of the day. I'll have to give it more attention on Monday.