Archive for the ‘Apple’ Category

New iPhone 4 Sounds Pretty Sweet

Monday, June 7th, 2010


After reading the twitter feed from the WWDC Keynote, it sounds like the iPhone 4 is going to be a very sweet machine, indeed. The display, the camera, the case... it's all about really upgrading the phone to be more of a serious device and less of a smart phone. The accelerometers for gaming and such - amazingly cool. No question - next month is an iPhone upgrade month for me. Yeah, it'll be expensive, but that's what you get for being a huge fan of this technology.

Apple Java for OS X 10.6 Update 2 on Software Updates

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

This morning I noticed that Apple had updated Java for Snow Leopard to 1.6.0_20 - which is a nice update given that I'm starting to get more serious about Clojure, and it's use of the JVM. While I don't think it's pushing the JVM, it's always nice to see improvements there.

Nothing special about the update - it's just moving up to what Sun (Oracle) releases. OK, good enough.

The Coolest Language Ever Created

Monday, May 10th, 2010

I've been coding on and off in Objective-C for several years, and recently I've decided to get back into it to work on a little project that I've done several times over, but this time I just wanted to do it in Objective-C and on the Mac. It's been a while, and I wanted to make sure I still remembered all the neat things the platform had to offer.

Holy Cow! I had forgotten how elegant and beautiful Objective-C is and the Cocoa frameworks in particular are. The code is just so incredibly expressive and wonderful, it's hard to imagine why someone would purposefully choose to not code in this language.


Writing the C++ equivalent of the copy constructor is so wonderful:

- (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone
**   This is the standard copy method for the Legend so that we can make
**   clean copies without having to worry about all the details. It's a nice
**   deep copy, where the contents of the returned Legend are the same as
**   this instance's.
    // simply use the allocWithZone and populate it properly - easy
    return [[[Legend allocWithZone:zone] initWithMap:[self getMap]] autorelease];

where I had already created the setMap and getMap methods because they are the setters and getters for the class. It's so easy.

Yup, the more I code in ObjC, the more I realize I shouldn't be coding in anything else. It's just too much fun.

UPDATE: I read about headerDoc in the Xcode docs, and it seems to be the new AutoDoc documentation generator. So I changed the comments on my code to be more in-line with that, and as a benefit, they look more like my C++ comments, and that's a big win in my book:

 This is the standard copy method for the Legend so that we can make
 clean copies without having to worry about all the details. It's a nice
 deep copy, where the contents of the returned Legend are the same as
 this instance's.
- (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone
    // simply use the allocWithZone and populate it properly - easy
    return [[[Legend allocWithZone:zone] initWithMap:[self getMap]] autorelease];

iTunes 9.1.1 is on Software Updates

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

This morning I noticed that iTunes 9.1.1 was out on Software Updates and consisted primarily of some bug fixes for importing and a few other things. Nothing I've run into, but it's always nice to be prepared for the possible problem.

Apple Releases Security Update 2010-003 for Mac OS X 10.6.3

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

This morning I noticed that Apple released Security Update 2010-003 on Software Updates for the expressed purpose of fixing the remote code exploit in the Font handling. Pretty amazing that someone found that - in the fonts, of all places, but hey, if it's there, they will probably find it.

It's a touch annoying to have to reboot the box, but that's what it takes.

Apple Unveils New MacBook Pros

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010


Today Apple announced upgrades to the MacBook Pro line. It's pretty slick. There are a few things that I really like about the machine:

  • Core i7 - this will give me single-threaded performance of a 3.33GHz machine and when that's not needed, four cores (2 physical + 2 HT).
  • New Graphics with Dynamic Change - no need to change the GPU you want to use in System Preferences and logout/login - the GPU is now automatically chosen based on the load. Plus, it's a faster, better GPU for the OpenCL bits.
  • 512GB SSD - this is amazing to me: 512GB and SSD. That means all the space I have now and it's all a lot faster. Amazing.

Of course, it's not cheap, but then again, they never are. They are, however, the best laptops on the market. Amazingly Cool.

iPhoto ’09 (8.1.2) and iTunes 9.1 are on Software Updates

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

This morning I saw that both iPhoto '09 (8.1.2) and iTunes 9.1 were out on Software Updates. From what I've heard, iTunes 9.1 is about preparation for the iPad launch in a few days. I'm not sure what's up with the new iPhoto, but I'm guessing it has to do with supporting more cameras, or security and stability fixes. Good enough.

I use both of these a ton, so it's nice to see them updated.

Mac OS X 10.6.3 is on Software Updates

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

This morning Apple finally released 10.6.3 and with it a slew of updates and fixes to the system. I've got it installing on my MacBook Pro now, and will update my Mini Server later today as I have time. Exciting stuff to see the OS take nice, big, steps forward.

iMovie 8.0.6 is on Software Updates

Friday, March 26th, 2010

This morning Apple updated iMovie '09 (8.0.6) to better handle video from Aperture. Now I'm not a big movie maker, but that seems a little on the edge, but what the heck - I'm glad they are making improvements. Who knows, maybe Marie will want to do this someday.

Safari 4.0.5 is on Software Updates

Friday, March 12th, 2010

This morning I noticed that Apple had released Safari 4.0.5 on Software Updates. It requires a reboot, which is still annoying in my book, but so it goes. In the same update we get updated HP Printer Drivers, and those don't require a reboot. Drivers? No, Browser? Yes.

Go figure.