Fun Feature Request for iTerm2

December 30th, 2020


A few days ago, I sent an email to the iTerm2 developer, and asked him the following question:

...and maybe this is a silly request, but I would really enjoy the option to put the Emoji Picker on the TouchBar of my MacBook Pro while in iTerm2… I know it’s not a Big Deal - so dragging it off/on in the customization makes sense, but there are a lot of times in my Git commit messages that I’d like to be able to toss in an emoji

and this morning I got a (surprise) response:

Thanks for pointing this out. There’s no good reason why it shouldn’t be allowed. Commit 1ae34d90f adds it. You can test in the next nightly build, due out in about an hour. In order to avoid breaking existing setups, it’s not in the default setup. You need to choose View > Customize Touch Bar to add it.

which is perfect for what I was hoping to have.

One of the best uses I've found for the TouchBar on the MacBook Pro is the Emoji Picker - as it's perfect for Instant Messaging, and Twitterrific, and at The Shop it's a big thing to have a nice, representative emoji as the first character of a pull request title. This is OK with LaunchBar, but it's not as convenient as the TouchBar Emoji Picker, and that's really what I was hoping to use it for. But until recently, iTerm2 just didn't allow it in the configuration of the TouchBar.

I am as pleased as I can be. Sounds silly, but it's nice to see that your thoughts aren't completely left-field to others. 🙂

UPDATE: the v3.4.4beta2 release has the Emoji Picker. I'm just smiling. 🙂

Working with Node/JS and Express for Services

December 29th, 2020


At The Shop, we are using a completely different platform than I've used in the past - Node/JS and Express as well as Platter, for a back-end database. It's been a steep learning curve for me, but I have to say today was a nice day where I really started to feel like I was getting the handle on the tools. What has really exciting to me with Express is the ease with which I can build middleware to insert into the calling stack.

For ring middleware, in Clojure, it's not horrible, but it's not trivial to understand the calling order, and the passing of the handler to all the middleware. In Express, it's far simpler - you simply have a function that takes the request, the response, and the next in the line of the calling stack, and that's it. You can augment the request, and that's basically what a lot of middleware is about - adding authentication tokens, looking up permissions, etc. It's all adding to the request to be used in the simpler endpoint routes.

When working with Passport for the authentication framework, it's great that it fits in with Express so well, but one of the issues that I ran into today was that the middleware added to the top-level Express app would be executed before the Passport authentication middleware that was in place on each individual endpoint. It makes sense, not all endpoints need authentication, so adding that with Passport would naturally be done after the top-level middleware. But that makes some of the middleware I'd written unfunctional.

The Passport authentication scheme can be set up to easily add the user object to the Express request, and then for all endpoints, it's "Just There". I had expected to add middleware that would take that user and use it to look up other attributes and data to add to the request as well. But if the middleware I'd written was placed at the top-level, then it wouldn't have the user object on the request, and so it'd never work.

The solution was so elegant, I'm convinced that this had to be anticipated by the Express developers. 🙂 Each of the routes wired into the Express app takes a path and a router:

  app.use('/login', loginRouter)
  app.use('/company', companyRouter)

and when you add in the Passport support for JWT authentication with a Bearer token, you get something like:

  app.use('/login', loginRouter)
  app.use('/company', passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }), companyRouter)

where the /login endpoint is not protected by the JWT, and the /company endpoint is. This seemed like a very late stage to put in the Passport middleware, but as it turns out, Express can handle an array, or a list of middleware in the use() function. So we can say:

  const authStack = [
    passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),
  app.use('/login', loginRouter)
  app.use('/company', authStack, companyRouter)

where the authStack is the additional middleware for the individual routes, and it's handled in the order it appears in the array.

And it works like a champ. Just amazing, that we can create different stacks of middleware and then as long as we layer them properly, we can set up an amazing diversity of middleware. For this, it's great that we can group the authentication-focused middleware into an array, and then easily drop that on the endpoints that need it.

Very slick. 🙂

Advent of Code 2020

December 2nd, 2020

Christmas Tree

Yesterday started Advent of Code 2020, and it looks to be a fun theme - Vacation - and while I'm sure it's been planned well in advance of the current pandemic, I'd like to think that the folks in charge are thinking of all of us, and making it a little more enjoyable this year... because we've been cooped up all year.

The puzzels start easy, and then build through the month, and that's just as it should be - an easy way to introduce folks to coding with fun problems as opposed to so many made-up teaching problems they run into. They always make me smile.

Is that just what we all need now? A smile? 🙂

Day 1 at the New Shop

December 1st, 2020

Bob the Builder

Today is the first day at the New Shop, and I'm a bit nervous that it's all going to be Node and React - they are tools I haven't done a lot of work in, but thanks to some help from a good friend, I feel I have a good start, and the Pragmatic Programmer's Simplifying JavaScript really is a good book to get up-to-speed on the latest changes to the language.

There's going to be a lot of learning, and it's going to be a little stressful at times, as I try to come up to speed as quickly as possible... but it's working with some very fine people, and this is the path I'm on... I need to learn all that I can - regardless of the circumstances.

I'm reminded of the chant: The King is dead. Long live the King! Life is a lot like that, it seems... and off we go! 🙂

Setting up Versioned Node Environment

November 25th, 2020


Today I spent a little time with a good friend helping me get going on a good, versioned Node environment - a lot like RVM for Ruby - but for Node. I wanted to do this because it looks like I might be doing some work for a Node-based company where the development is all based in Node, and I wanted to make sure I got it all set up right.

I just finished reading a nice book on ES5, ES6, Promises, async and await, and all the new features of JavaScript called Simplifying JavaScript from the Pragmatic Programmers. They are having a Thanksgiving Sale, and it seemed like a great time to pick up a book that I'd probably like on the subject. I did.

It's been a long time since I spent any real time on JavaScript, and if I'm going to be taking a bit out of this project, I wanted to make sure I had come up to speed on JavaScript, and Node as well. The book was laid out well, with all the ideas based on a decent understanding of JavaScript, but not the latest additions. It really read well to me, and I was able to finish it in two days.

So, here's what I needed to do on my 16" MacBook Pro to get things up and running... 🙂

Start off by installing nodenv from Homebrew. This is the equivalent of rvm, and will manage the Node versions nicely for me.

  $ brew install nodenv

I then needed to add in the environmental set-up in my ~/.zlogin file by adding:

  # now do the nodenv stuff
  eval "$(nodenv init -)"

right after I set up my PATH and RVM environment things. It's very similar to the RVM approach, with directory-level controls, as well as system-wide defaults.

At that point, I can source my ~/.zlogin and then I'm ready to go. Next, is to install a good, long-term stable (LTS) version of Node:

  $ nodenv install 14.15.1
  $ nodenv global 14.15.1

where the second command sets that version as the global default for new projects, etc. You can always check the versions with:

  $ nodenv versions
  * 14.15.1 (set by /Users/drbob/.nodenv/version)

Next was to install a few global tools with npm that I'd need:

  $ npm install -g express-generator
  $ npm install -g nodemon
  $ nodenv rehash

where the first is the basic RESTful pattern for a service, and the latter is a way to run a Node app while monitoring the filesystem for changes to the files, and reloading them automatically. This will no-doubt prove to be exceptionally handy. The rehash command is something he's found to be nexessary when installing new global tools, as they don't seem to properly get picked up in the PATH without it. Fair enough.

At this point, we can make a new project, just to play with the new features in the book. Start by making a directory to put all this, and then use the express-generator to make the skeleton we need:

  $ mkdir playground
  $ cd playground
  $ express api --no-view

and now, in the api/ directory we have what we need to get started. Simply have npm pull everything down:

  $ cd api
  $ npm install

and we are ready to go.

There is an index.html file in the public/ directory, and we can use that... and running the Node server is as simple as:

  $ node bin/www
  ... this is the log output... 

or if we want to use the file-watching version, we can say:

  $ nodemon bin/www
  ... this is the log output... 

The port is set in the bin/www script, but I'm guessing the default is port 3000, so if you go to localhost:3000 you'll see the GET calls, and the page. Very slick... very easy. 🙂

Once I get this into a git repo, or start working on a real project/git repo, I'll see if I can get it loaded up on my iPad Pro using play.js - as it appears to be able to run all this, and have a web page to hit it... so that would be very interesting to work with - given the power of the iPad Pro, and the perfect size.

UPDATE: Indeed... once I pused the code to GitHub, and then went into play.js on my iPad Pro, I could Create a new project, from a Git Clone, and putting in the repo location, and the SSH Keys, etc. it all came down. Then it was just resolving the dependencies with the UI, and then setting the "start" command to be the npm command in the package.json, and then it ran.

Open up the play.js web browser, and it's there. On port 3000, just like it's supposed to be. And editing the file, refreshing the page - it's there. No saving, it's just there. Amazing. This is something I could get used to.

Updating Postgres to 13.1 with Homebrew

November 23rd, 2020


With the update to macOS 11 Big Sur, and the updates I keep doing to my linode box, I thought it would be a nice time to update Postgres to the latest that Homebrew had - I was expecting 12.5, as that's what's latest for Ubuntu 20.04LTS at linode, and it was surprisingly easy - even with the major version update.

The standard upgrade for anything in Homebrew is:

  $ brew upgrade postgres

and it will upgrade the binaries as well as upgrade the database files - if it's a minor release change. But if it's a major release change - like it was for me from 12.x to 13.x, then you also have to run:

  $ brew postgresql-upgrade-database

and that will update the database files and place the old database files in /usr/local/var/postgres.old so after you're sure everything is running OK, you just need to:

  $ rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres.old

and it's all cleaned up.

The one wrinkle is that I have set up the environment variable not to do automatic cleanups of the old versions of packages - because I wanted to have multiple versions of Leiningen hanging around, so I needed to clean up the old versions of postgres with:

  $ brew cleanup postgres
  Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.1_1... (3,548 files, 40.3MB)
  Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/12.1... (3,217 files, 37.7MB)  

and then the old versions are cleaned up as well.

I was expecting 12.5... but got all the way to 13.1 - nice. 🙂

It’s Time for Christmas Music

November 16th, 2020

Christmas Tree

This morning it's time to hit the Christmas Playlist on my iPhone, as it's just not going to be a normal Thanksgiving, and so there's no reason not to feel a little of the warmth and happiness of Christmas time while we're still in lockdown.

This morning, I see the US has topped 11 mil cases, and the lag between the days with 150,000 plus new cases a day has yet to kick in. It's going to be a hard winter, and I'm lucky - I can do what I need to do without risking my life, or the lives of others. But many aren't so lucky, and this will be a continuation of the harsh times all year.

I guess it was just time to hold onto something that has meant so much to me for so many years. Nothing wrong with that. 🙂

Getting Apache 2.4.46 + PHP 7.3.22 Going on macOS 11 Bug Sur

November 13th, 2020


This morning, with the update to macOS 11 Big Sur it was time perform the ritual of getting the old web development tools that I've used in the past going again - this time on macOS 11. Now I haven't used PHP in ages, and this looks to be the last time I'll have to worry about this, as Apple is going to drop PHP from their releases, and they have already dropped their Postgres support in PHP. But let's get done what we can.

Activating UserDir in Apache 2.4.46

As in the previous updates, the UserDir extension is not enabled by default, so we need to get that going right away. This enables the code to be run from the development directories, and that's a big time-saver. First, we need to enable the UserDir module in Apache, and then make a specific config file for the user in question. Start by editing /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and line 184 needs to be uncommented to read:

  LoadModule userdir_module libexec/apache2/

and then similarly on line 521 uncomment the line to read:

  Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf

Next, make sure that the file we just included is set up right for including the user directories. Edit /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf and line 16 needs to be
uncommented to read:

  Include /private/etc/apache2/users/*.conf

At this point, you need to make sure you have at least one file in the /etc/apache2/users/ directory for each user, like: drbob.conf:

  <Directory "/Users/drbob/Sites/">
      Options FollowSymLinks Indexes MultiViews ExecCGI
      Require all granted

where the last line - Require all granted is new as of Apache 2.4, and without it you will get errors like:

  [Thu Dec 18 10:41:32.385093 2014] [authz_core:error] [pid 55994]
    [client fe80::7a31:c1ff:fed2:ca2c:58108] AH01630: client denied by server
    configuration: /Users/drbob/Sites/info.php

Activating PHP in Apache

The mext thing to do is to activate PHP in the supplied Apache 2 with macOS 11. This is line 187 in the file - /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and you need to uncomment it to read:

  LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/

and then verify a file called /etc/apache2/other/php7.conf exists and contains:

  <IfModule php7_module>
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
    <IfModule dir_module>
        DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

which does all the other PHP configuration in a separate file to make upgrades easy.

Finishing Up

At this point, a simple restart of apache:

  $ sudo apachectl restart

and everything should be in order. Hit a URL that's a static file with the contents:


and you should see all the details about the PHP install - it's all there, as in older releases, but it was surprising to me to see that there was no longer any support for Postgres within the PHP version that was delivered with Big Sur. More to the point - the warning is clear - PHP will be dropped in a future macOS release. Until then, we still have:

  • PHP 7.3.22
  • MySQL 5.0.12
  • SQLite3 3.28.0

so things are still there - kinda... MySQL is still supported, for those that want that, and SQLlite3, which is likely my most logical choice, but in truth... this is progress. Folks don't do PHP development like they used to, and so it's going to go away. I'll miss it, but maybe Homebrew will have something - and I remember building it all from source before... so I can do it again - if I need to.

Upgraded to AmpliFi Alien

November 13th, 2020


A few days ago, I was running some speed tests on my iPhone 12 Pro, and noticed that the WiFi speed with connected to my Apple TimeCapsule and AirPort Extreme was about half that of connecting directly to the Xfinity xFi gateway. Given that I wanted a little more security and cohesive networking, I don't want to put everything on the Xfinity box, so it was time to upgrade my WiFi.

I've been looking at the AmpliFi Alien for quite a while, but haven't had a great reason to change - given that my TimeCapsule was also my backups with Time Machine. So first I had to move to Backblaze for backups, and that turned out to be a great move for me.

I wanted to have a place that all my versions of all my files would be stored, and with the "Forever" option at Backblaze, I can get just that. It's a little more per month, but it's exactly what I wanted, as I now have one place for all the versions of all the files on this, my main machine. It's just wonderful.

With the iOS app, I can now have access to these files - and have the peace of mind that I'll be able to look back in time for those things I might have been foolish enough to delete. I honestly don't expect to have a major data loss, but that's just when things like that happen. 🙂

With my backup issue solve, the Alien mesh arrived and it was time to install it. First, it's a beautiful piece of tech - the display is amazing, and the iOS app is amazing in what it can do, measure, all the goodies that I'm sure a current Apple router would do - if they made them. But alas, they don't. But as easy as it was to set things up, I ran into a problem with my VPN to The Shop, and that was a real pickle.

Removing the DNS Cache on AmpliFi Alien

Everything was working great - the speed tests done at the router were showing me the exact speeds that I was expecting with my Xfinity Gigabit service - a bit too asymmetrical for me, but I'm working on that, and hope that Gigabit Pro, or AT&T Fiber will be available with more symmetrical numbers, and maybe more speed. But that's another story.

The mesh was easy to set up... and upgrade the cylinders to the latest version. Almost like the Sonos set-up and control... very simple, very clear. Nice. I had to make sure all my machines had the access point in their lists, and all were talking and happy... interesting point - I had to reboot my Apple TV4K because it had the old networking (wired) DHCP address. It wouldn't refresh normally. No big deal.

But the real issue was with the OpenVPN client for The Shop. Everything seemed fine with accessing most all services, but the DNS for the domain for work weren't being resolved. Wow... OK... let's dig into this. Turns out - the Aline Router caches DNS so that it can offer you the control address of http://amplifi.lan/ from your web browser.

That's a nice touch, but if it means that the changes from the VPN didn't take... well... it was simple enough to change.

  • Go to http://amplifi.lan/ and login with the password you just set up - this is pretty easy, and while it's not obvious, a simple google search pulled this up.
  • Check the Bypass DNS Cache in the list and save - this is really not a bad idea in today's DNS hijacking environment, but it really has to be a little smarter about the existence of VPNs in the world.
  • Shut down all networking - disconnect from the VPN, turn off WiFi on the box, unplug networking - make sure it gets to a clean state.
  • Plug in network, turn on WiFi, connect to VPN - in the logic order, start the networking back up so that things are rolling again.
  • Edit /etc/hosts to add amplifi.lan - this is just to get us back to the state where we can go to http://amplifi.lan/ for the control of the router, and it's as simple as just adding a line to the /etc/hosts file where we just use the address of the Gateway, or base router in any of the DHCP address blocks we have on any of the local machines:   amplifi.lan amplifi

At this point, it's all working as it should. The Router is safe and secure, and very fast. Has great diagnostics built-in to it, and available from the iOS app... and it's silent. No spinning drives like the TimeCapsule.

There may come a time that I don't need to worry about the VPN issues, or maybe they will update the firmware to more intelligently cache DNS data... that would be nice... but until then, this is exactly what I'd hoped. 🙂

Update on iPad Development

November 2nd, 2020


This morning I spent a little time happily updating my Linode box with the updated to Ubuntu 20.04, and wanted to write down what I'd found in the investigation of the "held back" updates that Ubuntu does. First, the problem. 🙂

In doing the standard:

  $ sudo apt-get update
  $ sudo apt-get upgrade

I saw that all upgrades were applied, and after a restart (what a wonderful console at Linode), all was back... kinda. I could see that there were an additional 8 packages that a needed to be upgraded, and yet the standard commands didn't seem to pick them up.

So I did a little searching, and it turns out that these packages couldn't be upgraded without installing additional packages. That's why they were being held back. Makes perfect sense to me, and thankfully, the way to fix this is very easy:

  $ sudo apt-get upgrade --with-new-pkgs

or, as I have read, you can say:

  $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

to do all the distribution upgrades - which will include adding packages, as needed.

And then, to clean up the old packages:

  $ sudo apt autoremove

And after a reboot, the system was completely up-to-date, and moving forward, I'll use the dist-upgrade as it's clearly the preferred mechanism moving forward. I usually do this on the weekend, just to make sure it's all updated on a regular basis.

At the same time, using tmux, Blink Shell, and Textastic on my iPad has really been quite fun to learn the extent to which these tools can be exactly what I wanted from an iPad development platform.

One of the biggest surprises was that when Blink Shell is updated from the App Store - it maintains the connections! I was completely blown away... I expected to have to fire up the connections to the host again - but Nope... the display was in the same state as it was before the update, and it worked perfectly. This is really the "Mobile Shell", and the Block Shell app is an amazing implementation on the iPad.

The next surprise was that Textastic can be pointed at the GitHub checked out repo on the remote host (no surprise), but it remembers the location of the source file, so it's one key to upload it back to the remote host (already wrote about this). But this means that I would have to hop onto the remote host and commit the changes... but with Working Copy, I can simply split-screen Textastic and Working Copy, and drag the changed files from Textastic to Working Copy, and then commit them there.

Why does this matter? Well... as of the current version of Blink Shell, it does not yet do SSH Key Forwarding, so I can't easily use my SSH key authentication into GitHub via Blink Shell. Yes, they know about this, and they say it's coming in v14, but as of today, I would have to use something like Prompt from Panic, which does enable SSH Key Forwarding. With Working Copy on my iPad, I don't have to do that... I can easily see the diffs, make the commits all from a nice UI on the iPad. Very nice. 🙂

Don't get me wrong... I'll be very excited about Blink Shell getting SSH Key Forwarding, but until it does, I'm OK... and this is just an amazingly nice platform to do the development work I really like to do. What a joy!