GitHub Actions are Very Impressive

GitHub Source Hosting

Several weeks ago, The Shop made the decision to implement CI/CD on the code repositories at GitHub using GitHub Actions. And it has been an amazing success. The ability to set up individual responses to GitHub actions like push, and so on. It's also very nice that it's all done in parallel, which is very nice for speed.

One of the things I have really enjoyed about the Actions is that GitHub gives each project quite a lot of free compute minutes for the execution of the Actions. This means that if you have a relatively static project, this is likely something you will be able to use for free. And if it's a business, you could prove out that this will work for you before having to invest in more tooling.

When you do run up against the limits of the free plan, the only thing that will happen is that the Actions will all fail. This is completely understandable, and a very reasonable fall-back position for projects. Add a billing source, and you're back in business. Very nicely done.