Scrapped Boost Variant – Wrote My Own
Monday, August 2nd, 2010Today I messed around with the boost::variant problem I'd been dealing with lately trying to get the code to compile and work properly. Finally, after about five hours, I gave up. It's simply too hard to get working, and even if I did, the maintenance costs of dealing with these kinds of compiler errors would be far too high for a junior developer.
So I took a very different track: I simply wrote my own. Honestly, it wasn't all that hard. I took out the definition of the boost::variant, and in it's place I put a simple union:
private: tVariantType mType; union { std::map<std::string, variant> *mMapValue; std::list<variant> *mListValue; std::string *mStringValue; int64_t mIntValue; double mDoubleValue; uuid_t *mUUIDValue; bool mBoolValue; error_t *mErrorValue; };
and then all the setters cleared out the old value and replaced it with the new. It's something I've written before, and so I knew a lot of the pitfalls to avoid. But it's not as nice as a stack-based template version. When I change values I'm hitting the heap for new space. While this isn't horrible for a lot of applications, it kills performance when you're trying to do something really fast.
Still... this is far easier to understand, and once we have it all buttoned-up, there's no real chance of a leak, and it's a solid way to handle the variant problem.
Once I got the main part written, I was able to attack the serialization and de-serialization schemes for this guy - based on the work of another group who has defined the scheme we'll be using. It's decently flexible, and should be really nice to use across the board.
Still lots of testing to do, but I'll get to that tomorrow.