BBEdit 9.5.1 is Out


This morning I noticed that BBEdit 9.5.1 was released and while it didn't fix the one problem I had with it, it did seem to fix a lot of bugs other people had with it.

My problem is that when you open a C++ header file, you can, with a click of a widget on the window, open up the corresponding implementation file. Previously, this allowed you to open it up in the same window, but now it seems to respect the global defaults of opening it up in a new window. In general, I want new files in new windows, but when it's the header/implementation file pair, it's a different story.

It'd be easy to add, I'm sure, but I'm guessing they aren't going to change it back. I've sent them an email once, I'll send it to them again this morning.

UPDATE: I sent along the description of the issue. We'll see if they respond. I'd really like to have that feature back.

[7/29] UPDATE: they don't have this, but they do have something that's almost as good: If you set the default to "Open in Front Window" you can get the file opening up where you need it. Problem is everything will be opening there. The way around that is the View menu: "Move to New Window". I put in the keyboard shortcut command-option-O. Now if there's a file you want "split out", it's a single keystroke. Not bad. Not what I wanted, but it's not bad.