Smartest Way to Speed Up: Just Do Less
Monday, February 6th, 2012Today I spent the vast majority of my day today trying to make this one client application of my greek engine a lot faster. I mean a lot faster. Friday afternoon, I was running some tests on this usage pattern, and realized that the client really was seeing some massive delays in getting data from my engine when dealing with very large, very active families. Using SPY as the example, there are some 2500 derivatives on SPY, and calculating their data and returning it to the caller was taking from 1800 to 2200 msec. That's a long time. The problem was magnified because all they wanted was three of the 2500 options, and they had to wait for all 2500.
Not good.
So Friday I jotted down a few ideas to try today and spent the first few hours doing just that. Each one was a little better, but I was still looking at 1300 msec, and that's just too long. I needed to chop out an order of magnitude or two. So I started doing the profiling. What was it that was taking so long?
Well… it's the calculations. That's no surprise, but it's a real bottleneck too. We can't really afford to make the calculations tie up multiple threads. That'd kill the box with some 50 clients each needing multiple threads for their calks. Not good. I tried to look at other things, but in the end, it always came back to the calculations.
Along the way, however, I did come up with a few really fun optimizations. I was able to look at a continually updating profile of the instrument and use those values to 'seed' the request, but the updates from the market were just so frequent, it was impossible to stay ahead of the updates. It was a real problem.
So I did what I should have done first - go and talk to the coders writing the client app.
I found out that all they really wanted were the implied vols and they only wanted two or three options in each call. Well… now that's very interesting. That's a use-case that I hadn't expected. The reason it's very interesting is that the implied vols can be calculated independently of each other, which means that by telling me you're interested in only the implied vol calculations, I can look at the three options you're asking for, and calculate just them. Sweet.
I had to work into the API the idea of the type of calculation, but we had something pretty much like that already in the API - it just needed a simple extension. And then I had to get the different type handled in the code. In the end, it wasn't too bad, and the time savings were amazing!
The 1800 msec went to 20 msec. That's something that's more than fast enough for what we need. All because I listened to what the client specifically needed. Simple way to be faster? Just do less.