Finished the Sync Start to the Greek Engine

High-Tech Greek Engine

This afternoon I've put the final touches on the sync start to the greek engine. Basically, when we restart the greek engine, it's possible that we are going to miss messages from the exchange because we're down/restarting. This option allow the app to recognize that it might have missed messages, and hit the archive server and ask it for any possible messages for that time frame. If there are some, we'll work them into the message stream.

It's a very nice feature to have as it means that a mid-day crash or reboot is not going to loose anything. But it's a huge load on the archive server, and it's really not been hit all that hard, so the testing is going to be a really big part of this. Fair enough, it's going to take some time to work out the kinks, but at least now we have what we think we need, and it's up to testing to either confirm or deny those beliefs.

It'll be nice to get this tested and into the main codebase. It's been a ton of work to get all the pieces working and working well.