Archive for the ‘Apple’ Category

Signed Up for the Apple Card

Monday, August 12th, 2019


I got an invitation to sign up for the Apple Card last week, and went through the sign-up process in the Wallet app, and found out that it was going to be pretty much as good as my Capital One Quicksilver card - with the added security features of not having my purchasing history sold. It's something that I was really looking forward to when it was announced at WWDC.

Today, the physical card arrived, and I'll activate it when I get home, but so far, the card is working exactly as promised. I do a lot of Apple Pay, and that's all working just fine. I had to Add a Card on my Mac and iPad - but the Apple Card was there, and it was easy to add, and other than that, it's just so easy. Nothing fancy about the purchase classifications, but it's nice... and the details come up a little faster than the old Capital One app - but that wasn't all that bad.

It'll be interesting to see the card, and see how the payment feature works. I have to admit, it's a little different to have my iPhone link to my Bank, as opposed to using the online bill-pay system from my Bank - but either way - it works, and the effect is the same.

Life keeps adding little smiles... 🙂

There is a Reason I’m an Apple Fan

Saturday, April 27th, 2019

Apple Computers

Over the course of the last few weeks, I've noticed that my Late 2016 15" MacBook Pro was "rocking" a little on my desk. As if the bottom of the case was "bowed", and so pressing on the space next to the trackpad made the back-end lift up. Now I've heard about the damaged Li-Ion batteries, and even replaced one in a battery pack on my Mom's old 13" MacBook Pro several years ago, but I was in a bit of denial about this one, as I was hoping it was "something else". 🙂

Finally, yesterday I called Apple to see if the local Naperville Apple Store could replace the battery without having to ship it to the Service Center. They were vague - saying it was possible, but that would depend on a lot of things. In the end, I really had to just take it to them, and see. So I made a Genius Bar appointment.

When they saw it, they agreed - damaged Li-Ion battery, but that it'd have to go out for service. I'd be without it for 3 - 5 days. That's too long for me, as it's the only place I get my email, and notifications, and some of those are very important. So I knew it was time to get a new machine, migrate over, and then send the old one back for repair, and keep it as a spare.

Luckily, the Apple Store has a "Secret Supply" of high-end configurations that don't show up on the web site, and they had exactly the machine I would have ordered, so I could migrate things over last night. But the real surprise is that Apple would do this for free. Wow... a $300 battery replacement for free. 🙂

Sure... they probably do this because of the fire hazard, but to me - it's just free. Now I'll take it to the Apple Store today, they will ship it off to get fixed, and when it returns in a week or so, it'll be a great back-up machine.

Xcode 10.2 is Out

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019


This morning, after I updated to macOS 10.14.4, I noticed that Xcode 10.2 was out with Swift 5, and that has the new Strings, and the ABI compatibility, and a host of new things. So let's get that going, and see how it changes things. I really haven't read what is new in Swift 5 - other than the new Strings, so that will be something to read up on this morning.

What I've found in converting an ObjC project is that a few of the localizations needed to be cleaned up - Xcode did that just fine, and then it built and ran just fine. But for the Swift project, it complained about the use of index(of:) and suggested that it be changed to firstIndex(of:) - which is fine, but I don't know that anyone used to coding for very long makes that mistake - but OK... I get it.

The next one said that in this code:

  ans.append(ascii[self.index(of: c)!.encodedOffset])

needed to be changed to:

  ans.append(ascii[self.firstIndex(of: c)!.utf16Offset(in: self)])

and figuring that out took some time.

Specifically, they deprecated the encodedOffset - which they say was being misused. And then didn't really give me a replacement. I had to fiddle and search the docs for what to put in it's place. And given that this is coming off a call to self - how is it that utf16Offset() doesn't default to that?

In any case, I got that fixed, and then I refactored the code for pattern from:

  let ascii: [Character] = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k",
  var ans = ""
  for c in self {
    ans.append(ascii[self.firstIndex(of: c)!.utf16Offset(in: self)])
  return ans


  let ascii: [Character] = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k",
  var ans = ""
  let src = Array(self.utf8)
  for c in src {
    ans.append(ascii[src.firstIndex(of: c)!])
  return ans

I just didn't like the way the encoding was being handled, and that got to be a real annoyance... so by just converting it to UTF8, and then using that array for indexing, I was able to do the same thing - and it looks a lot cleaner.

I'm less and less a fan of the speed with which they released Swift. I understand they needed to get it out in the wild, and they had to answer requests for features, but they added too many too quickly, and without the long-term consideration that they are usually known for. I mean look at ObjC... the classes changed a little, but the language was shipping product for 5 yrs, and Swift has been around for 5 yrs, and it's still not close to stable.

Part of it is also that they stuck with OOA&D, and that's got to be a killer.

Apple News+ is Pretty Nice

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Apple Computers

This morning I signed up for Apple News+ - and I have to say, it's pretty nice. Sure, it's having some growing pains this morning - the News app in iOS 12.2 is crashing a bit when it can't talk to the servers at Apple HQ, but that will get worked out. For the little time it was stable this morning, I was really impressed with the offerings - some things I have paid for in the past, but just haven't kept up with, and others I've always wanted to have available to read:

  • Scientific American
  • Time
  • Runner's World
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Bloomberg Businessweek
  • The New Yorker
  • The Atlantic
  • Flying

it's a list that keeps going, and it's really impressive. Sure, it's more than $30/yr - but that's for one magazine, and I can carry these all with me in my pocket on my phone. It's really just amazing.

Now, I've been reading a lot more on the News app because I just can't stand Facebook any more, and this is a lot better place to get news - it's a known source, and that's something I find I don't like about all the stuff you find on Facebook - you just can't trust it.

I'm not sure about the other services they introduced yesterday - except the Apple Card. That's something I'll get because of the Daily Cash Back that I can use because I put so much of my life on my Quicksilver card with 1.5% cash back. This is just a better deal.

Can't wait for the Summer when they get that going...

Really Enjoying the New Apple TV 4K

Monday, February 18th, 2019


A few months ago, I got a new Apple TV 4K, primarily because my old Apple TV was getting very slow in selecting ESPN, and in the morning, I just want to get on the treadmill and start running. So I invested in a new one, and I'm very glad I did. It's just amazing.

First, I really like the remote. I like the touch pad, and while it took a little getting used to, it's nice to have it on the remote, as opposed to the four direction buttons. A very nice upgrade. Add to that, the remote is rechargeable with a Lightening cable. This is great because I can then charge my AirPods, the Remote, or my iPhone all from the one cable that's connected to my Thunderbolt Display. Very nice.

Second, it's fast. That's what I expected from it, and that was not a disappointment. Exactly as advertised, it is zippy, and I don't have the multi-minute waits switching channels on ESPN. That was expected.

Third, and this was a surprise - the TV App that exists on my iPhone and the new Apple TV 4K is really almost something to drop cable over. It allows me to focus on the Shows I want to watch, and not the networks they appear on. I can look at my iTunes Movies as well, and it remembers the position in each movie, and show, so that I can move to my iPhone and watch a little bit, and then transfer back to the Apple TV 4K. This isn't Rocket Science, but it's an excellent implementation of the iCloud storage, and syncing. It's just great.

Now I've heard there are games for the Apple TV 4K, but I am not a big game player, but I will admit that I've purchased a lot more movies now that I have the Apple TV 4K than I did before. Which is good for me, and good for Apple.

It's not the most amazing thing Apple makes, it'll never have the attention that the iPhone or iPad has, but it's a fantastic little box, that is absolutely what I was looking for. Nice.

Mega Update Morning

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

Software Update

This morning, actually, last night, Apple released macOS 10.14.3, iOS 12.1.3, and tvOS 12.1.2 - and so I had a good morning updating my devices. It always puts me in a good mood to update machines... it's a fresh start... a new beginning, and it makes me smile.

I am glad to have updated to the latest Apple TV because the TV app is really a great thing for keeping track of the shows that I'm watching on Netflix and Hulu - all in one place. And it goes to my iPhone just in case I'd like to watch on the train home.

All updated and ready to take on the day!

Really Enjoying BeatsX and AirPods

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

Apple Computers

I got a pair of the AirPods from the first week they were launched. Amazing devices. But the fit wasn't as good as I'd hoped, so I kept using my Apple wired in-ear headphones at the office because they fit better and blocked out a lot more noise. So a few months ago, I got the BeatsX headphones from the Apple Store. Wow... very nice.

The charge is about like my AirPods, and now that I need a Lightening cable around to charge headsets, the AirPods are easier for me to charge as well. Bonus!

They are amazingly easy to use, can be controlled from my iPhone, or Mac - as long as it's logged into iCloud, and the mic/control fob is just as easy to use as the one on my wired headphones. Super simple... super easy... amazingly convenient to ditch the cord.

I have moved into the cordless world, and I have to say, I don't mind it at all. Up next: wireless charging of my iPhone...

Creating a Demo Movie

Thursday, January 17th, 2019


This week has been a Hackathon at The Shop, and I was asked to do one on a cross-domain, secure, component-based Web App Framework based on the work done at PayPal in the kraken.js team. It was a steep learning curve for me and the others on the Hackathon team, as none of us had any real experience with Node.js or React, but we had only this week to get something going.

The good news is that we got everything we needed to get running late yesterday, and today I started work on the Demo presentation which happens tomorrow, but it's videos, each group submitting one video. The only limitation is that the video has to be less than 5 min in length - and that's a hard limit I'm told.

OK... so I was looking at all the screen capture tools on the App Store, and some of them looked pretty decent, but the good one was $250, and while I might go that high - I wanted it to be amazing for $250... like OmniGraffle good. And I saw a lot of really iffy reviews. So that didn't seem like the way to go.

Due to the fact that I needed to be able to add in slides and screen grabs, I knew I needed more than a simple "start recording" that Google Hangouts does, and with nothing really obvious in the App Store or in Google searches... well... I hit up a few of my friends in production of stuff like this. Funny thing... they said "QuickTime Player and iMovie"

This really blew me away... I mean I knew about iMovie, but I didn't know that QuickTime Player did screen recordings - and with a selectable region on the screen. And that it also did auto recordings - again, I'm going to need to be able to do voice-overs on the slides and things happening on the screen in the demo.

So I started recording clips. Keynote was nice in that I could make all the slides there, and export them as JPEG files, and they imported perfectly into iMovie. Then I could put them in the timeline for exactly how long I needed them, and do any transitions I needed to make it look nice.

Then I went into a little phone booth we have at The Shop, and recorded the audio with very little background noise. I could then re-record the audio clips as needed to make it all fit in the 5 min hard limit. In the end, I could export the final movie, and upload it to the Google Drive for the submissions.

Don't get me wrong... there was a steep learning curve for iMovie for about an hour. How to move, select, add things, remove things... not obvious, but with a little searching and experimenting, I got the hang of the essentials. And honestly, that's all I needed to finish this Demo video.

I was totally blown away in the end. I was able to really put something nice together with a minimum of fuss, and now that I have the essentials in-hand, it'll be far easier next time. Just amazingly powerful tools from Apple - all installed on each new Mac. If only more people knew...

Paw is a Great REST API Tool

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018


This morning I noticed that Paw 3.1.8 was released, so I updated right away - it's about the best tool I've ever used for testing and exercising REST APIs on any platform, and on the mac, it's just gorgeous. This is a tool that I used constantly for years when working on Clojure REST services. It allowed me to have variables for each call, and then to group them into environments so that it was easy to switch from development to local to production and see the different responses - where the variables would include the name of the host, etc.

Paw 3 1

Postman is nice - and it's got a lot of features, but it isn't a native Mac app, and it's tied to the UI and workflow of a web app - which is fine, and I've used Postman a lot, but when I started using, and configuring, Paw, it wasn't even close. This is how Mac apps - tools - should be written, and sure, it's not cheap, but good things rarely are.

I still smile when I pull up the sets of calls, and how easy it was to load up a problem request, fire it off, document what was happening, and then see it in the logs... well... this was one of the tools that really made that job a dream.

Big Download Morning

Wednesday, October 31st, 2018

Software Update

This morning there was a flurry of downloading, and while I expected iOS 12.1 because of yesterday's Apple Event, I didn't expect to see macOS 10.14.1, and then Xcode 10.1 - but in truth, the emoji updates in iOS 12.1 had to be mirrored in macOS or we'd have some very funny looking tweets.

What I found interesting was that the App Store can have updates in it, and System Preferences has updates in it - and they aren't the same, but the System Preferences appears to be able to control the downloading and installing from both sources. That's good.

In the Apple menu, there are two items - App Store..., and System Preferences... and each of these had a decoration for the updates. It's a nice touch - classy, as always from Apple.