Paw is a Great REST API Tool


This morning I noticed that Paw 3.1.8 was released, so I updated right away - it's about the best tool I've ever used for testing and exercising REST APIs on any platform, and on the mac, it's just gorgeous. This is a tool that I used constantly for years when working on Clojure REST services. It allowed me to have variables for each call, and then to group them into environments so that it was easy to switch from development to local to production and see the different responses - where the variables would include the name of the host, etc.

Paw 3 1

Postman is nice - and it's got a lot of features, but it isn't a native Mac app, and it's tied to the UI and workflow of a web app - which is fine, and I've used Postman a lot, but when I started using, and configuring, Paw, it wasn't even close. This is how Mac apps - tools - should be written, and sure, it's not cheap, but good things rarely are.

I still smile when I pull up the sets of calls, and how easy it was to load up a problem request, fire it off, document what was happening, and then see it in the logs... well... this was one of the tools that really made that job a dream.