An Interesting Christmas Break


It's been a very interesting Christmas Break - as I use up my use-it-or-loose-it vacation time at The Shop, and still... I attend the meetings on Hangouts, and I do what I can to help those that are working during the break... but it's been an interesting time - no doubt about it.

I've watched some interesting TV... I really enjoyed the first season of The Morning Show - but then I really don't like bullies... and I've really enjoyed watching the last three Mission: Impossible movies... and it's been fun to do as much Advent of Code as I can.

There are certainly problems I don't understand the background for, and while I could learn it - I'm not going to learn it now, in 20 min, for a single problem. That's not going to last. But I can come back to it any day, and dig deeper into things like inverse modulo... and some serious computational search space pruning... but in all, it's been fun.

Christmas in a few days, and then a week and it's back to The Shop and the New Year. Lots of changes ahead... lots of things to think about in the next week.