Google Fi and Regulated Utilities


This morning I saw an ad for Google Fi, and it got me to thinking about the relationships between AT&T, Verizon, regulations and tech companies, like Google, and my phone. I'm not saying I like the size of my phone bill - and this includes two kids and my Mom, but I at least understand why it is the size it is, and the way they are profiting from me. When I think about an unregulated tech company being a carrier, it makes the data collection even more invasive.

I'm not saying that the people working at Google have evil in their hearts, but power currupts, and the power some companies are collecting about each of us is really staggering, and I'm in the position to know just enough to be really concerned. The collection and matching of data made Finance really powerful - but that was all about tradable securities and related information. This is about individual people... and the aggregations that can be done now make it possible to really look at the individual within the crowd.

I just wonder if we're a cliche - allowing technology to outpace society - again. I think I'm all for spending a little more, to a regulated company, than pay less to an unregulated one - certainly for utilities that just need to work, and not be tracked.