Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.5.5


It's an exciting morning for me... I updated Liza's MacBook Air to 10.5.5 last night, and did my MacBook Pro this morning. I'll get to the kid's machines, and my iMac later. The release notes indicate "graphics updates" and I'm really hoping that the ATSUI renderer in MacVim is fixed, but I'm going to have to work with it to know for sure. Also, there were a few updating bugs in the visual appearance of BBEdit 9.0, so maybe these two are related. Be interesting to see.

One of the really nice things in 10.5.5 is the speed that the windows open and get a prompt. Historically, this has been a real stinker in my book. Probably 80% of the time I start prior to this morning, I'd have some - up to 70%, of the windows simply not get a prompt. It's annoying, and I don't understand why they hadn't fixed it. Well... it looks like someone else had this issue and the first restart of 10.5.5 was a perfect launch of I love it!

I'll be seeing what's up with the changes as the hours and days progress, but what a nice shot in the arm. I can see that Snow Lepoard (10.6) is going to be a nice upgrade when they focus on all these infrastructural components and get them faster, better, and more reliable.