Thinking About Springing for an Aeron Chair


This last episode with my back is proving to be a real hassle to deal with. The chair in my home office was a $99 chair (I was cheap) purchased many years ago (we had no money) and when I've had to sit in it these last few weeks it seems to make my back problems worse. I know it's the chair because I can sit in other chairs and don't get these aches that I'm getting from my office chair.

Yet I can't help it - I have to be able to get some work done. It's just a fact of the business I'm in. So I'm thinking of springing for a refurbished Aeron chair. I can get one for about $700 - half off. That's not a bad deal, and it's the exact model I've used at a previous job for a while and loved every minute of it. Excellent chair.

I have a hard time spending that much money on a chair for an office that I don't sit in on a daily basis. It is, after all, a lot of money for a chair. Heck, I can get a Lazy-Boy for that money... but it's not a good, working, office chair. I think it's time to realize that I'm not getting any younger and it's time to invest in a good chair for the rest of my professional life.