SubEthaEdit 5 is Open Source


This morning I saw a tweet from SubEthaEdit that they were Open Sourcing the editor - and the current version, SubEthaEdit 5, was still on the Mac App Store, and would be free. This was a real surprise to me. I've paid for several of the versions of this collaborative editor on the Mac - heck, I've written syntax highlighting definition files for Make and Fortran for this editor. It's a big part of my tools in the past.

I have worked with my good friend on Macs for many years, and when this first appeared, as Hydra, I thought that this would be a great tool for working on code with him. But it was commercial, and we were in different states, and we hadn't even started using Git - and GitHub wasn't even an idea at the time. So it just fizzled out.

But at several times in the last 5 years we've both talked about getting something like this going for remote pair coding. It's just an editor, and he's now using Cursive for his Clojure coding, so again, maybe it's not such a great fit... and there are other services that are going for an add-in mode for existing editors, so maybe it needs to be updated to really find it's market. If so, I think that would be great.

I hope it finds a great group of developers now that it's Open Source. I'd love to have a good tool that's really written to handle the collaborative editing from the jump. Then again, I'm not all that sure what we'd need above GitHub... but it's an admirable goal.