Published Cap’n Hook to Clojars

Cap'n Hook

This morning, I wanted to get the first version of Cap'n Hook published on Clojars, but I needed to get a few things cleaned up. First, I needed to get the latest changes to durable-queue up to Clojars, as there were some dependencies I need to clear up - most notably in the nippy and byte-streams packages, so that was fixed up and a simple publish, and I'm up on Clojars.

At this point, I'm a little surprised that I have to type in my GPG passphrase each time I sign the jar for publishing. I can see the logic that I've read online - basically, signing is a fairly infrequent task, and needs to be done with care, so ask for the passphrase on those occasions. OK... I get it, but I'd still like to have it in my Keychain, and then just lock it up there. No need to keep typing it in.

I need to pay closer attention to the passphrase dialog on the next publish, and see if I can't get it to save the passphrase in the Keychain. But it's not horrible at this time - I don't publish all that often.

After I got durable-queue up, I could then clean up the capn-hook code a little and then publish it. Again, not bad - cleared out a few dependencies to streamline things just a touch, and then update the for the folks coming to the GitHub page, and away it goes.

Not a bad morning - got a little more familiar with GPG, and published a few things. Good enough.