Shopping on Jet


Today I was looking for my favorite mustard - French's Plain Yellow Spicy Mustard - online because I really do like it, and my local Jewel stores have stopped selling it. I'm not a fan of Amazon's treatment of it's employees, so I have not really become an Amazon shopper. Sure, I've bought a few things in the past, but it's not a company I want to support - but I don't judge people that use it all the time, because this is my choice, and not theirs.

So I found that Jet has my mustard, and I was quite excited. It wasn't Amazon, and the web site looked nice, and it seemed like a decent place. So I ordered the mustard, and downloaded the iPhone app, and felt pretty good about myself.

And then a friend told me that Walmart owned Jet.


I'm not a fan of Walmart, either. But I guess in the grand scheme of things, I can tolerate Walmart a little more than Amazon, and so I'll keep my order for the mustard. But I sure wish there were a way to support a non-mega-company, and get the few things I'd like to have. I was happy with Jewel, but they stopped carrying it. So I have to deal with one of these mega-corporations. And if that's the choice I have, I'll stick with Jet because they were once an independent company, and Walmart is a little less distasteful than Amazon.

But I wish there were another option.