Twitter Ad Service API


Today I spent a good bit of the day trying to figure out how to authenticate with Twitter's OAuth 1.0 system, and I think I'm getting close, but I'm still a bit away because I don't control these accounts, and the sheer volume of ways to authenticate on Twitter is daunting. Let allne the different APIs.

There is the client-facing Tweets API, and then there's the Ad Server API, and it's not at all clear that there needs to be different authentication schemes for these APIs. But it should be clear that access to one set of APIs probably should not guarantee access to another set - and maybe they handle that in the authorization, but it's not clear from the docs I'm reading.

And speaking of docs, wow... these are really something else. There are at least four ways to authenticate, but they ask people to use libraries - that they don't provide. Sadly, I don't see one that does 100% of what I need, but I do see an OAuth 1.0 library, but the Client ID and Secret are nowhere to be found on their site.

So clearly, I'm missing something.

What I believe is that you have to create an App that then gets you the redirect URL and ID and Secret. There were none defined to base a new one on, and so I sent off an email to the Twitter representative to see if this was, indeed the preferred way.

While I was waiting, I decided to try and make an app. Yet in order to do that, you need to assign a mobile phone number to the Twitter account, and I can't really do that because the account is not mine. SO I sent another email to the relationship folks in The Shop about that.

In short, it's just a waiting game. But it's also so much more of a mess than the other systems I've been integrating with. Wow...