Got a Call… from a Guy… about Clojure…


Yesterday I got a quick note from an ex-co-worker about how he might go about writing a micro-service in Clojure. Seems his CTO is a big functional programmer, and as such, he wanted my friend to write something in Clojure. So he reached out to the only person he knew that had actually done that, and so I got the call.

I was happy to help him along. I sent him links to Gists about how a server.clj file might look, as well as how to handle JSONP - assuming that the calls were coming from jQuery, and basically, just make sure that things got off on the right foot.

I also gave him some pointers about the standard libraries that I've been using for clojure work - cli-time, composure, cheshire, carmine, etc. They make it a lot easier, and a lot of folks are using them - so it's good to get started using the standard stuff right off the bat.

We talked a lot about getting started, and how the RESTful stuff was going to look, and then he said he'd dig into it when he had time. But the most impressive part was the recognition that by simply saying "Clojure Developers Wanted" - the CTO knew he'd get all kinds of hits, and all kinds of street cred to make the most simpler.

Smart man... deserves to be in that position.