Thanksgiving Week is Here!


Well... it's Thanksgiving Week, and that means a light week at the office, and then a long, stressful day with the family. I suppose it could be a lot worse, and it really kicks off the very best time of the year for me. Yeah, it's cold, and it's supposed to snow today, and it's going to get a lot colder and stay that way for the next six months, but hey... that's Chicago weather, and I knew that going in.

Today is the last full day at the office for me for the week. Tomorrow I have an appointment in the afternoon, and then the day after that, my oldest is moving back to town - and moving in with me, and then there's Thanksgiving, and the day after I'll be making sure things are working well and everything is humming right along with the systems at work for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Things at The Shop have been kinda stressful lately - I need to leave, not for cause, but because I make the folks in the team feel uncomfortable, and they would rather have a happy team than one that gets work done. I have known there's a mis-match here for a while, but it's another thing to present it in the way they have.

But hey... it's Thanksgiving Week... let's have a decent week, and relax a little. If we can.