A Completely Wasted Day


Last night I had to explain some very bad clojure storm code to a couple of guys in the group. The reason for this was the new assault on the latency - as opposed to trying the one thing I said to try - which was remove one of the kafka publishers. But that's here nor there because that will be the last thing tried because it's my idea.

But because of this explanation, and the horrible code, something that should have taken about an hour or two - at the outside - is now sitting at a day and a half... and one of those days - yesterday - was a completely wasted day. Nothing was done on this because of the very bad code written by the developer asked to do it, and the fact that the other guys either didn't get to it, or wasted too much time before asking for my help (arrogance or marginalization - both are bad traits), and so a day is gone.

But this morning, I'm chatting with the author of the bad code, and he's thinking it's all good... that they refactored the code, and it's all happy skippy. But it's clearly not. And I'm chatting to him via IM, and not in person - at the office.

And I realize that it's times like these that I need to leave this team, and the management is right. If they are completely satisfied with this kind of work - then I'm not right for this team - at all. There was plenty of playing around yesterday... everyone but me took the lunch time off to go watch a talk... and there was no one in before 9:00 am - except me... and a day was wasted in the solution.

Yeah, this is not the kind of work I want to do.