Upgraded to Textual 5

Textual 5

I just noticed that there was a paid update to Textual 4.1.8 - Textual 5 in the Mac App Store. I can't even remember what got me looking in the #textual chat room, but there it was, and that was really good news. I'm a big fan of Textual, and that they had an upgrade for OS X 10.10 is really nice. I do with Adium had one.

The UI changes aren't major - which is nice, and it reads the configuration from 4.1.8, which is also really nice. They got rid of the hidden check box to not restrict the window size, but his concession was to make the minimum "small enough" that it wasn't needed.

Leave it to me to point out that I wanted about 20% less.

So I let him know, and we'll see if there's a change in the offing. It's not horrible as-is, but I would like to have the freedom to make it a little smaller... but I can live for now.

UPDATE: the CSS configuration of Textual is just amazing. I'm able to customize this view to a level that's more than I ever imagined. I'm sure there are lots of others that thinks this is no big deal - but to me, screen real estate is critical, and the ability to customize a view like this is just fantastic. Very highly recommended.