There’s Nothing Worse than Process Without Benefit


Today I had my first real run-in with a Process Over Progress at The Shop, and I have to say, this is really the reason that I enjoy leaving jobs. Nothing is a clearer sign of the decay of an organization than to have process seen as an end unto itself, and that things like the form of a document are more important than the content. Where the reviewers of a document can't be bothered to read the document they are reviewing, but still feel perfectly justified sitting in judgement of the author of the document.

I know this is a people-problem, which is exactly why I'm not in management at an organization that I don't own. It's when the people problem rots the management structure to the point that otherwise good managers can't be bothered policing the process monitors, and the lunatics start running the asylum.

There is no solution that I've found - short of leaving the organization, so I guess that's the next step. There is, of course, blatant disrespect of authority, and while that works short-term, it's not something that really is sustainable in the long-run. The trouble-maker can point out the problem, but then has to get back in line or he's a real danger to the authority of those in power.

I'll look back on this post in the future and point to this being a significant turning point in my career at The Shop.