Getting Bolt Metrics from Nimbus

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This morning I wanted to be able to add the Storm topology bolt capacity values to the in-house monitoring and graphing tools that The Shop uses. The reason for this is that I'm constantly checking the Storm UI to see what the capacity values are for the bolts on my critical topology, and it'd be so much nicer to be able to see them in a simple graph on the display that I'm already looking at for disk space, CPU usage, and also the higher-level metrics like the messages per second emitted from each bolt.

The latter is something I figured out by digging into the Nimbus JavaDocs, and it was still useful in this bit of detective work. But the biggie was the code that the Storm UI uses to generate it's response. That was a little harder to find, but when I found it, I knew I had what I needed to get the job done.

The resulting code wasn't too bad:

What really surprised me was that even the Storm UI was written exactly as I would have done it - all in clojure with compojure for the RESTful API. It was pretty sparsely documented, but in the end, I can understand an Apache project with sparse documentation - it's kinda to be expected.

I fiddled around with the return values and the difference between a StormTopology and a TopologyInfo - and how it's used in both the emitted counts and the calculation of the capacity for the bolts. But in the end, by looking carefully at the code as an example, I was able to get what I needed out of the library. Very nice.

Topology Capacity