A lot of Java projects have several JARs you need to put into the CLASSPATH in order to get things to compile properly. Whether you're using jikes or javac, you need to build up the CLASSPATH so that the user's environment isn't expected to provide the correct CLASSPATH for building.
Using gnu make, and assuming that all the JARs are in a single directory - as they usually are, you can do the following:
empty:= space:= $(empty) $(empty) JARS:= $(shell find ../libs -name *.jar) CLASSPATH:= $(subst $(space),:,$(JARS)) list:= find src -name *.java | grep -v /testers/ SRC:= $(shell $(list)) CLASSES:= $( my.jar: $(SRC) javac -classpath $(CLASSPATH) $? rm -f my.jar jar cf my.jar `find src -name *.class | grep -v /testers/`
This allows you to simply place JARs in the lib directory and they will qutomatically be picked up into the CLASSPATH. Also, this compiles all the java source files that have changed with respect to the jar and then creates a new version of that jar.
I have completely updated the makefile for BKit and here it is:
# # This is a very simple makefile for BKit. # # If we're on a platform with jikes, use it as it's faster ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) JAVAC:=jikes -bootclasspath /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Classes/ classes.jar:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Classes/ui.jar -extdirs /Library/Java/Home/lib/ext:/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/ Extensions -nowarn RMIC:=rmic else JAVAC:=javac -J-ms32m -J-mx32m RMIC:=rmic endif # get the CLASSPATH we'll need CLASSPATH:=/usr/local/MQClientV2:/usr/local/VantagePoint/Jars/vpJava2JFC.jar: /usr/local/jConnect/4.2/classes:/usr/local/jep/jep.jar # get all the Java files that need building list:= find one -name *.java | grep -v /ado/ SRC:= $(shell $(list)) CLASSES:= $( # get all the classes that need rmic-ed rmics:= find one -name *.java | xargs -J % grep -l UnicastRemoteObject % | sed -e 's/.java//' -e 's:/:.:g' REMOTE:= $(shell $(rmics)) all: .compile jar: .compile @ rm -f bkit.jar @ jar cf bkit.jar `find one -name *.class | grep -v /testers/ | grep -v /ado/` .compile: $(SRC) @ $(JAVAC) -classpath .':'$(CLASSPATH) $? @ $(RMIC) -classpath .':'$(CLASSPATH) $(REMOTE) @ touch .compile install-applet: jar @ cp bkit.jar $(HOME)/Sites/applets/classes/ clean: @ rm -f bkit.jar @ rm -f `find one -name *.class`
We get all the rmic classes as well as getting done just what we need. Not bad.