MacVim Updated to Snapshot 32


I've been using MacVim for a few months, and reading the mailing lists about features, updates, etc. It's interesting stuff to listen to people that are as into Vim as I am my family. It's amazing how much these folks know about my favorite editor. Today the team released Snapshot 32, and with this, they hope to be turning back on the Sparkle updating from Google Code. It's been turned off for the last few updates because of issues, and they are thinking that they have them solved, and are back on track for enabling them again. We'll see how well the update is received.

I'm excited about it... and learned a new thing about .vimrc files today - you don't include the colon in each line. The guy on the mailing list pointed out that Chapter 5 of the manual points out that you don't put in the colon (':') but everything after it. So I went through my .vimrc and cleaned it up and it's working perfectly. Not that it wasn't before, but there was someone that had a problem, and this makes sure I don't run into that kind of problem later. Nice.