Staying Motivated is a Job in Itself at Times
Today has been one of those days when it took a lot of effort to stay motivated just to keep going. When the highlights of your day are getting a loaner laptop and verifying that you can run a Java WebStart app as yourself - so as to prove to Bloomberg that we're using their API correctly, then you know it's a tough day.
I'm trying to get everything ready for the next steps in the validation of our usage of the Bloomberg Server API, and there's a lot of waiting. Waiting for Bloomberg to tell us what the requirements are for the next tests... waiting for the people involved here to get the software installed and the accounts created... waiting, waiting, waiting.
About the only technical challenge today was in trying to track down where some trades/ammendments went wrong - and only that was to answer a few questions as the folks came and asked. I wasn't directly asked to help in the search, so my involvement was really quite limited. But that's all there was today.
It's important to stay motivated so that when you are needed, you're there, ready to respond. But when dealing with external vendors and other folks, it's wise to set your expectations properly, for they won't see the need to respond as quickly as you do, and you're just going to have to wait.