Updated the Look of the Blog

With the update of my web site, it seemed like a good time to look into refreshing the look of this blog as well. Specifically, look a a complementary theme - blue on white, with a "minimalist" sense, to keep the focus on the content, not the design. I was pleased to see that I'd done this search quite a while ago, and had a nice theme already picked out. Sweet!

The theme is called White as Milk, and it's a nice minimalist theme. There are a lot of little customizations that you can do, and I've had to do a few to get things looking the way I want - specifically, getting the style of a few elements looking right, and making the entire blog a fluid width page. I just got done doing that modification yo my basic web page and wanted to keep the same attribute in the blog.

What's it all about, Alfie?

This matches the look of the web site very nicely, while not trying to be a complete match to every style point. I think it's looking nice, and I'll live with it for a little bit to see how I feel about it.