Google Chrome dev 21.0.1180.0 is Out

Google Chrome

This morning I noticed that Google Chrome dev 21.0.1180.0 was out with several changes for the Retina MacBook Pro as well as the latest V8 javascript engine. These are really nice updates, but what I noticed right off is the mistake in the rendering with the previous version left a slight tell-tale horizontal line in the background every "page" or so. It wasn't horrible, and wasn't even directly repeatable all the time, but it was somewhere on the page, and it was enough that it made me wonder if my machine was bad.

So it seems to be gone, and that's great news, but so are all the other fixes. These HiDPI changes are nice for a lot of people getting the new MacBook Pros, and one day I'm sure I'll have one too… but it's not where I'd hoped Chrome were adding features right now. But that's OK… it'll all work out I'm sure.

UPDATE: Spoke too soon:

Chrome Render Bug II

Interestingly enough, these disappear if I scroll this section out of range, but will return to another location on the page if I just keep scrolling. Nasty bug, but it's in Chrome, and I'm not going to worry too much about them fixing it. They'll get to it - just like they did with the rendering of the Finance page on Zoom.

[6/22] UPDATE: this morning I see 21.0.1180.4 is out and this time, they say they fixed several "alignment issues", and I'm hoping they mean these lines. They also put in the V8 javascript engine, which is nice. I'm hoping these lines are gone.