Refactoring Like a Bandit to Fix a Bug


This morning I noticed that I had a problem with the initial volatilities for the options in my Greek Engine. Because the users want me to carry over the calculated values from yesterday's close to this morning, you can end up with a really odd situation: the job that computed the volatilities could have changed their values overnight, and now the new volatilities are different than the old. We can't replace the old with the new, as that would make the calculated results look bad. We can't ignore the new, and stick with the old (but that's just where we were doing).

What we needed to do was to load up the new, and leave the old as an output value of the calculations - just like the quote and spot values. This meant that I needed to refactor a good chunk of code and place a new ivar in the Instrument - the volatility, right next to the historical volatility, I then converted them from double values to uint32_t so they are handled a lot easier, and then put in the setters and getters that allowed me to update them as needed - even from the StaticData object that's reading in updates from the database.

All told, it was a good chunk of code in three major classes, but when I built it all and ran it, everything worked as you'd expect. Now there's an "output vol" and the instrument vol, so you can see when they will be different, but the client get the old value until the new value is "active" with a calculation.

It's clean, and I like it a lot more than what I had. I'm just sad it took me this long to find it.