Relocating FileMerge with Xcode 4.3


Today I was thinking about FileMerge because I was talking to someone about diffing files, and FileMerge is the best tool I've seen for that. But I remembered that with Xcode 4.3, the entire /Developer directory was removed. So where did it go? Seems I had to go on a hunt.

The obvious places were out - /Applications, and that's about it these days with the App Store. So I got serious:

  $ find /Applications -name

What? they put an entire Applications directory under the bundle? Why do that? Well… at least I can get at it and run it. It'd be nice if LaunchBar was able to see inside the app bundles, but I can force that on a custom scan. The next question was the command-line opendiff command.

Turns out, there's a command to "refocus" the location of the Developer Tools:

  $ sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/

After this, the opendiff command works exactly as you'd expect. Good enough. They were lost (for a bit), but now they are found.