The First Few Days with My Kindle


Well, I have to say that this Kindle is awesome. It makes carrying books a dream. I got a sub-$50 4GB SD memory card and now it can hold more than 3,200 books - based on their estimates. That's a ton of books. The battery life is great - I haven't had to recharge it for days after turning off the wireless access. The page flipping is not a big deal to me - a simple flash, and it's the new page. The print is crisp and legible - I can read it as easily as a paperback. It really almost makes it fun to read. Not that reading wasn't fun, but this just makes it exciting.

It's a wonderful little gadget. I'm very glad I got it. I know there are downsides, there always are. But if you believe that Amazon is going to be around for the long haul to support this, then it's a great way to get, carry, and read books. Highly recommended.