Everybody’s Got a Wish List for the iPhone 2.0 – This is Mine


Everyone is talking about the update to the iPhone to optionally use 3G networks and all the spiffy new things they want with that - apps, access to this and that. If I had one wish for the iPhone it would be to be able to use it as a bridge to the internet via something like Ethernet over Bluetooh. It's already in the network preferences - all that would need to happen is to make it possible from the iPhone. Then, with a fast 3G network, I'd be able to use my MacBook Pro from the train. That would be most excellent.

I don't expect them to deliver this as it would really crush the network, and that's not the point of the iPhone - at least not Apple's point. They are looking at it not as a gateway, but as a stand-alone device in it's own right. I can see this, too. But I wouldn't spend $500 for that - I just don't need it. But I might spend $500 for a gateway to the internet. I would use it that much.

We'll have to wait and see. It certainly would be cool.