Adium 1.2.5 is Out


With all the fanfare of a little green duck, Adium 1.2.5 was released and I picked it up from the internal update system. I read a few of the release notes, looks like a lot of little bugs and maybe a few interactions with Spaces in Leopard, plus a few localizations. I've not had a problem with the sounds for a few releases, and just could not be happier with Adium. Incredible code. If you need an IM client on Mac OS X, get it.

One thing that would be nice is for Adium to remember the window you had open with the people (tabs) you were communicating with at the time. Then on restart, it'd just open up that same configuration. That would be nice to have. It's not a ton of time, but given that some of my conversations are with people that aren't online all day long, if they aren't online, then they don't show up in my buddy list and I can't easily pull them up. Minor issue, but a usability one that could be fixed if they maintained state across a restart.