Twitterrific and the Hope of Optional ToolTips


I was chatting with a friend of mine on Twitter - through Twitterrific and he mentioned that he had gone into the NIB for Twitterrific and removed the tooltips for the mouse-overs of the name and the image. This makes the UI a lot cleaner as it already says who it is and it already says when it came in - so it's all redundant, and if you have the mouse over the window you're almost guaranteed to have a tooltip pop-up. So he cleared it out. I don't blame him, but I thought it'd be nicer to let the developers know what we wanted, and maybe they could fit in an option on the tooltips. Worth a try.

So I emailed them and got a reply back that was not surprising, but a touch disappointing. They are focused on the iPhone version, and when that's released in June they'll go back to the Mac version and they plan a significant upgrade to the UI.

So it's going to get addressed, but it's not going to be ready until the Fall. Which in itself is an interesting statement on the speed of their development - or at least the time they can devote to it. Then again, maybe they have significant changes in store and a little option would only take a few days (tops), but totally re-coding the app might take months. Hard to see, but it's possible.

In any case, if I want to strip out the tooltips, I'm going to have to fire up InterfaceBuilder and hack at it. Not sure that's what I want to do, but it's something to think about.