It’s Very Telling How You Treat People


I was in a meeting today with a parter at The Shop and was really stunned at his rudeness. This is a guy I've been in meetings with before - with other people, and he wasn't at all like this. Sure, the other people were other partners, but I had no idea that this guy's sense of professionalism was strictly dictated by the people in the room. Pretty amazing to me.

It says a lot about a person when they act entirely different around people who they see as "below" them as opposed to those that are their equals, or superiors. And I'm not being exceptionally picky here - this guy was arguing with me about why I should be listening to anyone other than him. I merely said that since there was a difference of opinion, that I thought he and this other person should get together and work out a consensus decision. He seemed offended at the idea.

He was totally uninterested in listening to my ideas - getting up and walking out on two occasions. I mean Really? This is how an adult acts? Holy Cow! I expect better from my 12 yr old daughter. This guy is supposed to be leading this company. I wouldn't follow him to Dairy Queen now. This guy has done nothing other than to breed contempt for him in my eyes.

Who knows... maybe they just killed his dog, but I'm pretty sure this guy is just an idiot and got to this position by spending so many hours here the people think he deserves the role "just because".

Who knows? Maybe he's really quite smart. But his immaturity today spoke so loudly it's hard to imagine that his brilliance would be heard by anyone in that room.