Writing Custom Iterators for Thread-Safe List

Today I got around to writing the iterators on my thread-safe Instrument list - hadn't done that before, and it was actually fun. Geeky, yes. But fun nonetheless. I just needed to get the style of the header right, and a first cut at the basic iterator and they were coming pretty quickly.

I wrote a simple test program as well to make sure that they were working, and it was pretty impressive (to me) that they worked right away. No problems. Sure, they weren't all that hard, but still - for not having done any in the past, it was a treat to get them done so quickly and done well.

There's a ton more testing that these guys need in order to be sure they are going to perform under load, but I can pass that off to a junior developer that's got a decent eye for details and he'll expand the test app to be a testing monster.
